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Florida has to be thankful that “Florida man doing insane thing” has taken a backseat in the headlines to “Florida’s Governor continues giving no f*cks.” This week, Governor Ron DeSantis informed the educators, who insist they care so much about the children, that if they forced kids to wear masks, they weren’t getting paid. Now DeSantis has doubled down: parents decide if masks are yay or nay for their children, not the government.
Paraphrased pull quote: “We think it’s ultimately the parent’s decision. We had a whole year to watch how this has developed in the United States. In Florida, we had schools that mandated [masks] and schools that didn’t. And there wasn’t a noticeable difference in COVID. But it has been difficult for young kids to sit there with this [mask] for 8 hours a day.”
The audacity of a politician to say parents make better choices for their […]
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