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The Washington Post is upset that Facebook isn’t censoring a perfectly legitimate point of view presented by some Republican politicians — that Joe Biden’s immigration policies are contributing to the spread of the coronavirus in the U.S. The Post accuses Facebook of allowing elected Republicans to indulge in “hate speech,” spread “coronavirus misinformation,” and raise funds in the process.
The Post asserts that the “central claims” of the ads in question have “been rejected by doctors and fact-checkers.” Post reporter Isaac Stanley-Becker declines to identify these doctors and fact-checkers and fails to show that the claims in question are false in any respect.
Here’s the first example of content the Post would like Facebook to censor. It’s from Sen. John Barrasso, a doctor: The CDC & Joe Biden are telling Americans to MASK UP but are letting THOUSANDS of COVID-19 positive illegal immigrants into our country! Here’s another example, this one […]
Read the rest of this story here: www.powerlineblog.com