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A report was released by Ynet today indicating 55% of new Covid-19 cases are among “vaccinated” Israelis. Considering that 55% of the population has been fully “vaccinated,” one could easily draw the conclusion that these “vaccines” aren’t really doing what governments, media, and doctors claimed they would do.
That hasn’t stopped American mainstream media from trying to stave off growing concerns by spinning numbers any way they can to keep people focused on getting the jabs. “News” stories from sites like Bloomberg, The Week, and others attempted to confuse the easily understood numbers with expert quotes, declarations of expectations, and highly opinionated spin to downplay the troubling numbers.
Bloomberg called on a Pfizer spokesperson to give her “expert” advice:
Dervila Keane, a spokeswoman at Pfizer, declined to comment on the data from Israel but she pointed to other research that shows continued protection against new mutations — just slightly reduced in some cases. The evidence gathered so far suggests that the vaccine “will continue to protect against these variants,” she said.
The Week did some good ol’ fashioned spinning to make the numbers seem like a positive:
Data from the Israel Health Ministry find the vaccine holds up well against the variant when it comes to hospitalizations and serious illness, with an efficacy rate of 93 percent according to data from June 6 to July 3, when the Delta variant really began to take hold. That’s down from 98.2 percent compared to the variants that came before, but still very good.
Through it all, they’re still building up the “Delta Variant” boogeyman. It’s a challenge because doing so means they need to talk out of both sides of their mouth. They report that the Delta Variant appears to be resistant to the “vaccines” while still saying it’s better to get the vaccines than to not get vaccinated because, well, they have their reasons.
The 800 lb gorilla that everyone in mainstream media is conspicuously sidestepping is the fact that the “vaccines” are not working anywhere near the level of efficacy of any approved vaccine in history. And none of them are mentioning the risks. Sad.
New Conservative Network Seeks Crowdfunding Help
They say we have to go big or go home. We’re trying to go big and bring the patriotic truth the the nation, but we need help.
Readers may or may not realize that over the past year, we’ve been bringing more conservative news and opinion outlets under our wing. Don’t take our expansion as a sign of riches; all of the “acquisitions” have been through sweat and promises of greater things to come for all involved. As a result, we’ve been able to bring together several independent media sites under a unified vision of preventing America from succumbing to the progressive, “woke,” Neo-Marxist ideologies that are spreading like wildfire across America.
The slow and steady reopening of America is revealing there was a lot more economic hardship brought about from the Covd-19 lockdowns than most realize. While we continue to hope advertising dollars on the sites go up, it’s simply not enough to do things the right way. We are currently experiencing a gap between revenue and expenses that cannot be overcome by click-ads and MyPillow promos alone (promo code “NOQ” by the way).
To overcome our revenue gap and keep these sites running, our needs fluctuate between $3000-$7000 per month. In other words, we’re in the red and hemorrhaging.
The best way you can help us grow and continue to bring the truth to the people is by donating. We appreciate everything, whether a dollar or $10,000. Anything brings us closer to a point of stability when we can hire writers, editors, and support staff to make the America First message louder. Our Giving Fuel page makes it easy to donate one-time or monthly. Alternatively, you can donate through PayPal as well.
As the world spirals towards radical progressivism, the need for truthful journalism has never been greater. But in these times, we need as many conservative media voices as possible. Please help keep NOQ Report and the other sites in the network going.
Thank you and God Bless,
JD Rucker
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