Several Democrat members of the House of Representatives wrote a letter calling on Kevin McCarthy to take action against Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for what they say is abusive behavior. Due to her undying support for President Donald Trump, MTG is seen as Public Enemy #1 by the Democrats, and this letter is nothing more than a smear campaign used to further their own narrative.
We, as Conservatives, need to see through this charade. However, we must ensure that our motivation is not out of simply loyalty to Marjorie, but because they are factually wrong… meaning she is in the right! You see, we should not be defending her because she’s “on our team.” We defend her from these slanderous attacks because this is a hit piece meant to discredit her for taking a stand for the American people!
The Left always hates those that refuse to capitulate to their every will. This is why you aren’t seeing these same hit pieces being lobbed against Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy or even Ted Cruz. They play the Washington DC insider game… play footsie with the Left, go out and talk a big game but don’t follow through with action. MTG is not that kind of politician.
Marjorie Taylor Greene is taking on the establishment, causing the right kind of ruckus in the Swamp known as Washington DC. In her mind, there’s only right and wrong… there are no teams. This should be our mindset, as well, as we look to take back our nation from the elites that are currently running it.
The strategy at play, though, is what we need to understand. The “moderate” Republican leadership (or, in other words, RINOs) have always gotten away with talking a big game but compromising and conceding to the Democrats. We have to remember that the leaders of our own party are a part of the swamp, too. They just want to go back to business-as-usual, where they can cater to their conservative base, yet legislate as right-leaning Democrats.
The Democrats, who have played nice for decades, are not willing to go back to business-as-usual. They see an opportunity for unending power and the destruction of America, so they are taking it! They are calling the RINOs bluff and forcing them to choose their alliance: Will they choose Trump and MTG or will they choose The Swamp.
It’s a DC Standoff right now, and the RINOs better pick a side fast. They either need to repent of their evil corruption and join the true patriots of America, or else they need to leave the Republican Party once and for all, becoming who they truly are: Democrats.
The Democrats are holding our own leadership accountable. We should be even stronger. Force our Republican leadership to either represent us or get out of the way. Join the traitors on the other side that hate out country.
We’ve got Marjorie Taylor Greene’s back because she is fighting for America. Let’s force Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell to choose their team… if they refuse to take up the America First Agenda, then they are no longer welcome in our party.
New Conservative Network Seeks Crowdfunding Help
They say we have to go big or go home. We’re trying to go big and bring the patriotic truth the the nation, but we need help.
Readers may or may not realize that over the past year, we’ve been bringing more conservative news and opinion outlets under our wing. Don’t take our expansion as a sign of riches; all of the “acquisitions” have been through sweat and promises of greater things to come for all involved. As a result, we’ve been able to bring together several independent media sites under a unified vision of preventing America from succumbing to the progressive, “woke,” Neo-Marxist ideologies that are spreading like wildfire across America.
The slow and steady reopening of America is revealing there was a lot more economic hardship brought about from the Covd-19 lockdowns than most realize. While we continue to hope advertising dollars on the sites go up, it’s simply not enough to do things the right way. We are currently experiencing a gap between revenue and expenses that cannot be overcome by click-ads and MyPillow promos alone (promo code “NOQ” by the way).
To overcome our revenue gap and keep these sites running, our needs fluctuate between $3000-$7000 per month. In other words, we’re in the red and hemorrhaging.
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As the world spirals towards radical progressivism, the need for truthful journalism has never been greater. But in these times, we need as many conservative media voices as possible. Please help keep NOQ Report and the other sites in the network going.
Thank you and God Bless,
JD Rucker
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