Despite Trump, the Fate of the Republic Is up for Grabs
(WND)—America's great achievement, equal justice before the law, has been mortally wounded by Barack Obama and his Charlie McCarthy-like dummy,...
(WND)—America's great achievement, equal justice before the law, has been mortally wounded by Barack Obama and his Charlie McCarthy-like dummy,...
(WND)—Echoes of the American Civil War were heard this week in the governor’s press room. California Gov. Gavin Newsom has...
(WND)—It seems the justice system is overwhelmed by criminal cases involving illegals, and this puts Americans at risk of being...
(WND News Center)—California Democrats waited until the final minutes of their legislative session to mount a rescue operation to save...
(WND)—California government was revolutionized and voters didn't' even notice. Once upon a time, local government had all the authority when...
(WND)—It is an election year. The U.S. House passes a “bipartisan” bill to restrict personal freedom, and it is hailed...
(WND)—There is a perverse phenomenon taking place in America. As the nation crumbles, a significant number of the population engages...
The Protestant German church was filled with worshipers. A photograph of the event showed a video screen in place of the pastor....
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