Hey kids, have you ever really wanted to sit with the cool journalists in the cafeteria, but were unsure of the latest trans-speak terms? Nobody wants to be stripped naked and run through a newsroom windmill of outraged reporters who feel unsafe because you misgendered a third party in casual conversation. The Hallmark Greeting Card Style Guide Associated Press Style Book has your back, with an updated section on gender terminology !
These days, AP says, “Journalists on all beats must be able to write about and interview transgender people using accurate, sensitive, unbiased language.”
Elsewhere, it tells us “Journalists on all beats must be able to write about and interview evangelical Christian people using accurate, sensitive, unbiased language.”Nah, just kidding.And it ain’t just ink-stained wretches that have to be careful. Real people are getting […]
Read the rest of this story here: redstate.com