BBC reporter Edward Lawrence was beaten and arrested at Shanghai protests. Shanghai police officers pummeled and kicked BBC News reporter Edward Lawrence during a protest on Sunday against the government’s COVID policies. #Shanghai police blatantly beat up @BBCNews reporter Edward Lawrence. — Jennifer Zeng 曾錚 (@jenniferzeng97) November 27, 2022 Edward Lawrence was tweeting from the protests before his arrest.
TRENDING: BREAKING: Maricopa County Response to AZ AG Materially Conflicts with Instructions on Election Day – But They Will Certify Rigged Election TOMORROW Anyways some small crowds are gathered on the sidewalks quietly watching the scene and the police presence. I’ve seen several people with flowers. One girl was holding a blank piece of paper. The crowd has grown from maybe a few dozen to several hundred. I’ve seen the police arrest three people – two of whom then fought with police. There’s a silent tension until […]
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