The other day, I posted an article and did a show titled, “Dealing With Newly Awakened Anti-Vaxxers.” It was prompted by the prominent vaxx-nannies like Piers Morgan who used to ridicule vaccine skeptics but who are now singing a different tune. A few said I was too harsh. Most said I wasn’t harsh enough. But there was a third unexpected response that made me give a lot of thought to the future.
I received hundreds of correspondences from people who have been vaxxed and now they don’t know what to do. Some asked about treatment options to try to get “unvaxxed.” Others asked if there were legal avenues they could pursue to get compensated for damages. Unfortunately, there was no way to give them positive responses to either question.
The past is the past but the future is still in play. Whether we are in the end times (I believe we are) or not, our mission moving forward is to get the truth out to as many people as possible. There is the Biblical truth, which for Bible believing Christians should be the most important part of our mission. Then, there’s the worldly truth and few things are as important as waking even more people up about medical tyranny, Pandemic Panic Theater, The Great Reset, and how the Covid vaccines play a role in all three.
As I’ve said many times, we need allies. It’s easy to be harsh and say those who chose to get jabbed must deal with their mistakes on their own. But as I’ve learned from the hundreds of correspondences I received, a huge chunk of those who got jabbed did so because they were given a tough choice. They couldn’t go to work with the jabs. They couldn’t go to school without the jabs. Their kids couldn’t play sports without the jabs. They couldn’t travel to see family without the jabs. There are many reasons people chose to get the shots, but at the end of the day they still chose to do so. We’ve all made mistakes in our lives. This one just happens to be horrible and permanent.
To not let doom and gloom sink in too much for those who have already been poisoned, there’s a benefit to waking up now. It seems based on studies and what some doctors and scientists have told me that the jabs’ effects are cumulative. The more you get them, the worse off you are. That means that those who haven’t been jabbed often are less damaged. This is good.
There’s another reason to believe this is the case. The powers-that-be are pushing boosters and new shots far more aggressively than attempts to get people jabbed for the first time. Initially I thought this was because they realize those who are too “stubborn” to have gotten jabbed already are very unlikely to get jabbed for any reason going forward so the powers-that-be didn’t want waste the energy. But I now believe their motives are more nefarious. If the damage done by the jabs is cumulative, then it would make sense for them to focus on further injecting the 70% of the population that’s already joined the jab club.
If we can conclude that the masses are waking up, we also need to assume the powers-that-be know this and are planning ahead. The most likely scenario to me is they’ll try to inject (pun intended) fear back into the equation. That could be renewed Pandemic Panic Theater with a fast-spreading subvariant that’s accompanied by a push for “improved” boosters like the latest bivalent shots. It could be a new disease altogether. This second possibility is why I am so bullish on the late Dr. Zev Zelenko’s Z-Dtox and Z-Stack Protocols. We’ve kept them as a sponsor despite far more lucrative offers by other nutraceutical providers because I can say first-hand that Dr. Z’s products work. My family never wore masks, has never been jabbed, and as far as we know we’ve never gotten Covid.
Below are two articles back-to-back by S.D. Wells. They need to be shared because now more than ever we have an opportunity to wake even more people up. Momentum is on our side, at least temporarily, so we must capitalize. Those who we can prevent from getting more jabs are potential allies in the future when the powers-that-be make bigger moves. Our freedoms are at stake. Our nation and world are at stake. Our lives are at stake. Stay frosty, folks.
Staying FULLY UNVACCINATED proves to be the safest defense against contracting Covid
Article by S.D. Wells from Natural News.
It took awhile, but a few billion people are now able to confirm what they suspected since the beginning of the pandemic, namely that it is mostly a fear-based campaign that went “viral,” and the main goal was always simply pushing toxic “vaccinations.”
In other words, if you DO NOT have millions of spike proteins throughout your vascular system and flooding your vital organs, you have a better chance of fending off Covid. This is simply because your immune system, heart and cleansing organs are not being taxed, polluted and strained by millions of toxic prions that mimic the lab-concocted, gain-of-function SARS-CoV-2 virus.
This is a look into ADE, auto-immune disorder and how booster shots continue to weaken the immune system, a bit more each injection, because there are millions more spike proteins to invade vital organs, including the liver and pancreas, as we are seeing with science-backed evidence. Pfizer-Gate has been blown wide open, and the masses are starting to die off and disappear, almost like Nazi Germany, but this time throughout the world. It’s a vaccine holocaust, and it’s not just lead by Pfizer, but Moderna and many more pharma conglomerates.
So if someone asks you what your vaccine “status” is, and you want or need them to know (even though it’s nobody’s business), then simply say “I am fully… unvaccinated.” This choice has enabled your immune system to do what it’s supposed to do, naturally and fend off viruses, bacteria and pathogens. This way you also avoid the horrific statistics of injury and death caused directly or indirectly by the Covid clot shots.
The “fully vaccinated” suffer while the “fully unvaccinated” enjoy strong natural immunity, best for avoiding or beating Covid-19
Whether someone has subjected themselves to just one gene therapy injection or several as a series with boosters, their body has been invaded by millions, if not billions, of toxic virus-mimicking prions that somehow attract heavy metals and create long, rubbery clots in the blood, around the heart, in the brain, and inside vital organs.
All of the fully unvaccinated in America know that these clot shots are the main cause of the massive uptick in cases of pericarditis, myocarditis, blood clots, cancer, miscarriages and stillbirths, and sudden “unexplainable” adult and infant deaths (SADS or SIDS). It’s certainly not a syndrome, unless that ‘syndrome’ is caused by mRNA “technology” creating a new cell syndrome that can’t fight off viruses or bacteria anymore.
Do you suddenly have antibody-dependent syndrome? You must be fully vaccinated. Is your own immune system attacking your vital organs because they now contain toxic virus-mimicking spike protein prions inside them? You must be fully vaccinated. Got sciatica acting up badly or happening since you got the Fauci Flu jabs? It’s not a coincidence.
The fully vaccinated are also suffering from out-of-the-blue cancer tumors at the site of injection (haven’t you seen the new warnings?), and these medical doctors can’t seem to explain it away, certainly never pointing the finger at the clot shots, even though scientific evidence does point to the Wuhan virus injections.
That’s why remaining FULLY UNVACCINATED is proving to be the safest defense against contracting Covid-19 and its variants. Those who are bragging and “feel safe” because they are “fully vaccinated” are finding themselves dealing with new health events, exacerbated pre-existing conditions, and starting to regret what choices they’ve made. Doctors and scientists around the globe are blowing the whistle on the clot shots, seeing the carnage right in their own labs and offices now.
Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on experimental “vaccines” that cause blood clots, myocarditis and severe, chronic inflammation.
Sources for this article include:
Turns out that VAXXERS are a global menace to themselves
Article by S.D. Wells from Natural News.
First, the shilling folks at Pfizer and the CDC promised the nation that getting the Fauci Flu jabs would flatten the curve, stop the spread, and end the pandemic. Remember? They said if 90 percent of the population got the Covid-19 “vaccines,” then that 90 percent would be safe from the anti-vaxxers who are a “global menace” living in denial and danger. Surprise; the “global menace” turned out to be vaxxers who are dying at an insane rate. It’s true. The TRIPLE-VAXXED account for 94 percent of all Covid-19 deaths, revealing that the real ‘global menace’ is the Fauci Flu jab itself and all those who got it, push it, and still believe it works.
The single worst thing a person could have done for their health in 2020 – 2022 is take the covid jabs
According to an official government report from UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), about 18 months were tracked during the pandemic showing Covid-vaxxed children were 45 times MORE LIKELY to DIE from any cause than unvaccinated children. Let that sink in for a minute. So by simply saying no to the Covid jabs, a child is more likely to be able to survive the pandemic and a host of other life-threatening conditions.
Sign up everybody that’s left and all the kids on the way for that plan. Sounds like the benefit of remaining fully unvaccinated far outweighs the risk of getting shot up with millions of toxic spike protein prions, but all the so-called “anti-vaxxers” and those labeled “anti-science” already knew that.
In the same ONS report, the conclusions tell us that vaxxed children are also 137 times MORE LIKELY to die from Covid-19 than those children who have natural immunity and never get the protein-prions stabs.
The covid-jabbed sheeple are jamming up the hospitals
Now we are witnessing Americans who got the Fauci Flu stabs seeking much more medical attention than the fully unvaccinated, natural health advocates. Remember when the hospitals and fake news media claimed all the un-vaccinated people were overcrowding the hospitals and the vaxxed masses couldn’t get basic or emergency care in a timely manner? It was the other way around. The clot shots are causing many, many more critical health problems than just clots. Take a look.
They should call it the “Vaccines Dangerous” program, but instead it’s called the V-Safe program, where the jabbed up masses are supposed to all go to report health damages incurred by getting at least one Wuhan Flu shot. Now get this: over 70 million symptoms were reported from the 30 percent of people who got vaccinated who actually reported their problems to the V-Safe site (out of 230 million people that got at least one Covid jab). That means that statistic, though it’s already very scary, is most likely multiple times higher.
So it’s all the jabbed-up sheeple who are filling up the hospitals, in the waiting rooms, lying in beds, getting diagnostics run, and wondering why all of the sudden they’ve got myocarditis, pericarditis, strange rubbery vascular clots, sciatica, Covid-19 multiple times, severe inflammation, allergies, and more.
The most common symptoms of vaccine-induced health damage that were reported to the “V-Safe” program included the millions of people saying they were suffering post-vaccination from the chills, swelling, joint pain, muscle and body aches, headaches, fatigue, and general pain, with over 4 million of these complaints marked as SEVERE. You cannot make this up.
The V-Unsafe Program, as it should be termed, was also chock full of complaints regarding 13,000 toddlers (under 2) with over 33,000 symptoms that included pain and loss of appetite. Sounds like a prescription that causes mal-nourishment and irritability.
In conclusion, we’re now approaching a million reported cases of Americans who, post-Covid-vaccination, rushed to get medical care, crowding up the hospitals, while the media and the vaccine industrial complex blamed all of the unvaccinated. What a hoax and a scam, now busted wide open. So it turns out that all those vax-fanatics are a menace to themselves. When will they ever learn?
So much for vaccine passports. It was all a lie to sell more toxic jabs. Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on experimental “vaccines” that cause blood clots, myocarditis, and the spread of more disease.
Sources for this article include:
Great article. It is understandable that many people are not well versed on solutions and ongoing novel therapies to both prevent treat and rescind covid and vaccination risks. For those of us whom stayed immersed in the resistance to vaccination movement, even then, there were so many voices and so much censorship, it’s difficult for people to stay on the same page.
There were several doctors whom just broke free and were focused on treating vaccine injured people. The first injuries were immediate and we’ve all seen the shock videos which we said, that’s not worth the risk to ‘keep other people safe’. To assist the author in helping is news supporters; Take ivermectin. This is said to ‘take the spike down’. Some have reported the effective half life at a month, others up to three months. But you’ll know the ivermectin has worn off when symptoms return, and you take another maintenance dose. That’s step one.
Additionally as the author accurately states, consider the cumulative effects. However, this is not just limited to consumption of vaccination products. The argument for cumulative bio toxicity through the entire body is now necessary to focus on. Not eating organic? Ignoring the risks of genetically modified food? Still unaware of how milk may have more sugar and diet sugar than soda pops, yet milk is not required to disclose sugar content? Eating hydroponic nutrient deficient vegetables are have you at least started a small home garden or surfed farmers markets, etc? Still handling thermal printed paper which is now basically every receipt out there? Unaware that using hand sanitizer causes exponential increases in environmental toxin absorption through your own skin? Bio toxicity taxes the body as a whole, and it’s cumulative. So think big picture, clean up your diet, work out more even if it’s just simple things. Adopt a new mantra; better living WITHOUT chemicals.
Real health does not happen at the hospital. You can not inject health. Real health happens in the kitchen, and in the gym. There is no such thing as a safe vaccine. For people whom dismissed the importance of supporting the non-gmo movement, were pro vaccination for all children, never actually understood how flimsy the science behind vaccinations was in the first place. They sold it you bought it. When will you cancel your subscription to these quasi sciences and greed based systems? It’s time to face up to current facts; Our regulatory systems and product safety mechanisms and institutions at the government level are long since ineffective and broken. The last thing they effectively regulated was lead and asbestos, even then, these products are still pervasive and undisclosed. People, we’re on our own so protect yourself.
The jury is out if the effects of rnma vaccines are permanent but at this time, they appear to be permanent. If more people would have been concerned about gm foods, they’d have known that the rnma mechanism is the way in which Crispr-9 gene editing works. I’ll be forever in amazement that the organic food movement people turned around and took this rnma shot. I kept telling them; We did not spend a fortune on non gmo organic foods for the past 20 years, only to then turn around and purposefully inject chemicals directly into our blood stream, and purposefully genetically modify our on bodies.
Thank you for reading. When it comes to personal health, it’s a personal responsibility so think big picture in your own life. Every small action matters from a better soap choice like dr bronners to a better toothpaste choice like no flouride, cleaning with organic simple soap rather than chemicals, get forever chemicals out of your life and throw away all your no stick pots and pans, reach for organic, learn to garden, avoid hydrolized salts, avoid processed foods in general. Stop using hand sanitizer, keep a jug of water and a bar of soap in your trunk instead and wash in the parking lot. Pine needle tea is said to have somewhat similar effects as ivermectin. You can get a script for ivermectin through the Americas Frontline Doctors online programs. So you’re not out of time yet but if you want help, help yourself. Don’t be afraid of shedding, as Dr Judy M enlightened us, we’ve been getting shed on by the vaccinated our entire lives, the covid vax is no different. Just stay healthy and able to resist toxin, by having fewer toxins in your body and your environment.
Thank you to this news site. Sorry for the long post but there was a lot to cover. Hopefully this will be of assistance to those with such grave and very real concerns about having taken this vaccine. Remember my slogan; If in doubt, opt out. If you do not have an ingredient in your own kitchen, don’t purchase foods at the store with those ingredients. Simple, easy, any laymen can do it. You should see my few dozen scorpion butch t peppers in my garden, hottest peppers on the planet. Now those flush you out and clean your blood good, boosts metabolism. And I still have bad habits, but am able to do that because I keep my normal daily routine pretty clean, which frees up my bodies energy to tackle some toxins. The trick is everything in moderation and don’t allow yourself to consume or be exposed to something toxic every day of the week, that’s where the danger lies.
We beat covid with simple means. Natural immunity acquired. No vaccine necessary. Been that with with all exposure for decades, we have long since opted out of the vaccine program before this was on the radar for most people. The idea you can inject health, it’s absurd. Don’t fall for that anymore because they’re all dangerous, every single vaccine out there, no exceptions. I won’t drone on about the faulty science but in a nutshell; measuring an immune response is not the same thing as going through the stages of exposure and immune system development. They’ve had it wrong for decades but never change because vaccines are the most profitable product the medical industry has ever came across. And then everyone gets sick and they sell more care services. Stop buying vaccines, they do not work as advertised. Thank you. Anonymous from Colorado.