(AP Photo/Susan Walsh) The Biden White House has been doing everything it can think of to turn the debacle in Afghanistan into a victory, or rather, something that looks enough like a victory to allow the establishment media to run with it and try to fool the rubes. Press Secretary Jen Psaki notoriously said (with a straight face) on August 24 that the catastrophically mismanaged evacuation operation could not be termed “anything but a success.” On Saturday, the appallingly woke Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, claimed (also with a straight face) that “there was an extensive amount of planning in this.”
Milley did admit that “the collapse of the Afghan Army happened at a much faster rate and very unexpected, by pretty much everybody, and then with that is the collapse of the Afghan government. So, that was definitely a surprise.” Nevertheless, he insisted that […]
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