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Editor’s Commentary: For the last couple of months, readers and sources have encouraged us to cover Graphene Oxide. The toxin that is almost certainly found in the Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines,” among others, may be the key to uncovering the conspiracy being perpetrated against American and the world.
I’ve held back for three reasons. First, and I’m just being frank, it’s over my head. I’m not a scientist, doctor, or even a particularly smart guy. My early research revealed to me that I needed an adult to explain it all, which brings me to the second reason I haven’t covered it. There weren’t the right “adults” talking about it. I generally lean on the expertise of people like Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Robert Malone, and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny to guide me through the science surrounding the so-called “vaccines.” None of them have gone after Graphene Oxide, at least not that I have seen, so I waited.
The third reason I haven’t tackled the conspiracy is because we had not seen high-profile real-world examples of reporting on it. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not suggesting I wait around for mainstream media to report on something before I consider it legitimate. On the contrary, one of the reasons I explored it in the beginning was because mainstream media was conspicuously attempting to suppress or debunk discussion about it. What I was waiting for was the “accidental” reports of loosely related stories that mentioned the toxin. That happened over the past week, as the article from Free West Media details below.
I’ll add my commentary at the end.
Graphene Oxide Is the Main Ingredient in Covid Jabs Says Former Pfizer Employee
According to a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for pharmaceutical industries, graphene oxide nanoparticles are the key ingredient in Biotech’s Covid-19 shots, the product which is being marketed as a “vaccine”. But bad news from Japan may have an impact on this marketing strategy.
In an interview with Stew Peters on July 28, Karen Kingston said graphene oxide was not listed as an ingredient, because the manufacturers claimed that it was a trade secret. It was therefore not included in Biotech’s patent filing as an ingredient in the Covid-19 shots, since it is purported to be the intellectual property of the pharmaceutical giant.
Kingston explained that while the ingredient was redacted from Pfizer’s US patent due to its alleged status as a “trade secret”, it was actually included in Pfizer’s Chinese patent application.
According to Kingston, the Pfizer vaccine and the Moderna vaccine are essentially the same injection. It is therefore interesting to note that in the July 2020 Moderna patent [US #10703789B2], lipid nanoparticles, the phospholipid, the cholesterol, the cationic (positive ionic-charged lipid) and the PEGylated polyethylene glycol lipid are also listed as was done for the Pfizer product.
The Chinese patent described the compound hydrogel, composed primarily of graphene oxide. She has no doubt that these jabs contain the ingredient that the Japanese government has now alluded to in their ban on alleged “contaminated” vials of these products. “I’m as confident that graphene oxide is in these as I am that gravity exists,” she said. She also underlined that graphene oxide was the “main ingredient in the Covid shots”.
Like India, Japan has launched the discussion of the success of Ivermectin to treat Covid-19.
Tokyo's Medical Assoc. Chairman holds live press conference recommending #ivermectin to all doctors, for all Covid patients.
Japan's government is one of the most conservative and cautious in the world. Data is clear. Huge news. https://t.co/rpuD8mSfJL pic.twitter.com/B50sgryUDM
— Bren (@brenontheroad) August 23, 2021
Slovakia was first in Europe to approve #ivermectin for Covid back in January.
Current deaths/day:
USA: 1,410
Slovakia: ZeroIf your FDA doesnt even know what ivermectin is and everyone in ur country keeps dying, maybe time to listen to someone else?! https://t.co/pDAZE4uC4c pic.twitter.com/TDm8KF9lz7
— Bren (@brenontheroad) August 28, 2021
There are at least 2000 studies on graphene oxide toxicity and 500 of them were published in 2017. Graphene oxide has been developed for biomedical gene and drug delivery under the EU’s “Graphene Flagship” programme.
The EU programme spent billions of euros on testing gene delivery for an intranasal SARS-Cov-2 flu vaccine containing graphene oxide. In fact, in China a patent was filed and approved last year, using graphene oxide nanotechnology in gene and drug delivery and diagnostic purposes for a “Coronavirus vaccine”.
Moderna had previously developed graphene oxide for cancer treatment since it had specialized in cancer cures, not vaccines. Moderna had been a struggling oncology cancer therapy company, before its surprising success as a “global leader” in “vaccines”.
Japan has now reported yet another “contamination case” involving Moderna’s (MRNA.O) vaccine, the fourth such incident in less than a week, suggesting that the country’s inoculation campaign is about to hit a wall. Moderna claims that it was caused as “bits of the vials’ rubber stopper break off when needles are incorrectly inserted”.
The bad news from Japan may have also pushed two leading FDA members to resign. The two top vaccine officials, Marion Gruber, director of the Office of Vaccines Research & Review, and Phil Krause, her deputy director, announced their decision on Tuesday. Gruber has been at the FDA for 32 years and Krause has worked at the agency for more than a decade.
They had been “frustrated” by the CDC’s meddling in the vaccine approval process, as well as with White House pressure to market booster vaccines, a former top FDA official told Endpoints.
After two animal trials that resulted in the death of all the animals, graphene oxide was deemed to be unfit for use in humans due to its toxicity to healthy cells as well as vaccine-induced ADE (antibody-dependent enhancement) resulting in the immune system destroying itself.
Leading virologist Professor Dolores Cahill, world-renowned virologist Geert Vanden Bossche and Pfizer whistleblower, Dr. Michael Yeadon have all warned of the danger of ADE.
Animal studies had already confirmed that graphene oxide enabled “self-replicating vaccines“, i.e. transmission.
In his last interview, Julian Assange described the advances in this kind of nano-technology which graphene oxide made possible. It is a world in which computers are as small and weightless as dust particles. These mini machines, invisible to the naked eye, would be breathed in or injected. A researcher named Kristofer Pister coined the term “smart dust” in 1997, a reference to wireless microelectromechanical sensors (or MEMS).
Proponents visualize these particles as the Internet of Things on another level. Smart dust would make it possible to run a Google search in the physical world by using smart dust, but it also raises serious issues about privacy, weapons, and surveillance. Whoever controls smart dust – or graphene oxide weaponized blood circuits in the human body in the case of these injections – and its data could theoretically control every aspect of human interaction.
A Spanish investigative team known as La Quinta Columna revealed on June 30 that graphene oxide was indeed the key ingredient in Pfizer’s “Covid-19 vaccine” serum.
Should We Be Worried?
I already made the self-deprecating admission that I’m not the smartest guy in the room, but I do have a nose for conspiracies. This one passes the smell test. It’s a legitimate concern, but there’s a caveat. Is Graphene Oxide as an ingredient in the vaccines part of the plan by the powers-that-be to commit some heinous crimes against the world? I’d say there’s a 95% chance that it is.
With that said, the caveat is that most of the theories surrounding it are lacking. There is speculation that they could be used to modify our DNA. Others say it’s a 5G play. Some are saying the magnetic nature of Graphene Oxide could be used as a “kill switch.” We have the standard mind-control theories that invariably pop up whenever a foreign agent is injected into our bodies.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg as far as Graphene Oxide theories. Which are true? Are there others? I’d love to hear from readers in the comments or through the contact form on this site, which goes directly to me. We need as much information as possible so we can sift through and find reality. Remember (tinfoil hat time), there are those in the “conspiracy theory” world who are actually working for the powers-that-be to cast misdirection into the conversations. The mystery is never about discovering the right answer. The mystery is in determining which seemingly right answer is real and which ones are planted to keep the truth hidden.
At this point, we’re still in rapid-information-gathering mode. Like I said, the smell test tells us there’s something here. Theories surrounding it range from crazy to crazier. We’re in a hurry to discover what is going on, but not in a rush to come to a false conclusion.
Plandemic, Voter Fraud, Afghanistan: All Parts of The Great Reset
If you still consider “conspiracy theorist” to be a pejorative, you’re not paying enough attention.
What do Covid-19, 2020 (and beyond) election fraud, and our disastrous abandoning of American citizens in Afghanistan have to do with one another? They’re all parts of the globalist plan to usher in a new era of Neo-Marxism in a depopulated world. This is The Great Reset unfolding before our eyes, and the only way we can stop it (other than through constant prayer) is to stand together and spread the truth.
Covid-19’s attachment to The Great Reset is obvious, though we continue to post about it daily. Voter fraud is a bit less obvious but nonetheless easy to recognize when we understand that people like Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, and Emmanuel Macron are pushing to “Build Back Better” under the precepts of Neo-Marxism.
The Afghanistan betrayal in August, 2021, is harder to associate with The Great Reset, but it’s definitely just as attached. We can see this is the unwillingness of the Biden regime to extend the deadline to withdraw despite American lives put clearly in harm’s way. We can see it in the needlessly abandoned military equipment that was conspicuously left intact; disabling a Black Hawk takes minutes but they were given to the Taliban in pristine working condition. Then, there’s the pallets of hundred dollar bills left for them. If you think all of this was just irresponsible governance, you probably think Barack Obama is out of politics, too.
Weakening America’s standing in the world and empowering the Chinese Communist Party and others to engage fully with our enemies in a globalist cabal are beneficial to the architects of The Great Reset, and both happened in one fell swoop in August.
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JD Rucker
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It is entirely possible.
In case you want a deeper dive beyond the graphene oxide, go look up the following (spell it in a search bar exactly as I spell it here):
“MAGNETO2 particles”
It is real; there is research on this. It is activated by radio frequency (RF) fields.
The rabbit hole goes deep.
Don’t forget about Dr. Sucharit Bakdi. He’s the only one I’ve seen giving a detailed roadmap of what these shots actually do.
Graphene oxide is very highly conductive. Would not surprise me in the least, if this has something to do with 5G technology! Once 5G is fully implemented, will it have an effect on these Graphene particles? Like I said, nothing would surprise me at this juncture!
After reading your article, and leaving a comment (earlier), my memory was sparked.
Here is something for you guys to read:
Please, go look at this: (note date of article)
TITLE: Molecular Interactions in the Assembly of Coronaviruses
Go to: Sect. II, F. (S Protein), 2nd paragraph, LAST 2 SENTENCES.
It has been KNOWN how to stop the coronaviruses, AND the drug is available, in use (with certain warnings, interactions).
Basedunderground, IF you decide to want more info, I have more info regarding the created/modified coronavirus, along with the creation and insertion of Furin into the S spike glycoprotein.
Sadly, almost everyone are just glossing over all of this research that HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE.
There are two stated, related objectives of the globalist elites: 1) reduction of the earth’s population and 2) the targeted reduction of the earth’s population. The underlying objective, which is only stated in Scripture, is to overthrow God. If you start there, you can discover much of what drives the evil.
If you want to understand the Why of it, consider what happens when graphene oxide is subjected to a magnetic field. There have been rumors of a Great Reset, but the Great Reset is not being orchestrated by some conspiratorial organization other than to hijack an event they are aware is going to happen. Consider that we have known for some time that there will eventually be another super solar storm similar to the Carrington Event of 1859. When the planet is hit by a coronal mass ejection from a super solar flare, the planet is subjected to a strong geomagnetic storm. What effect does a magnetic field have upon graphene oxidize? Just google smart dust and watch the videos. Now imagine that inside your blood. Now imagine the effect that has worldwide on people, on computer equipment, on our digital bank records. Wealth will be wiped out from the bombarding charged particles acting like an EMP against electronic equipment. At the same time, good number of people will die when that graphene oxide clusters in the blood obstructing circulation, increasing blood pressure and resulting in heart attacks.
That is their plan. That is going to happen. What’s more, all of this has been prophesied in scripture relating to the Day of the Lord/Time of Jacob’s trouble.
Have you seen this?
There is much more than just Graphene Oxide including a parasite!
You have to leave all valid options open these days until you can prove them one way or another. Just to add to the list of “Conspiracy Theories” around this being able to perhaps “control” the brain stem around the magneto protein nanoparticle that has been the works and it’s interesting tech to say the least. Also it’s been noted that these synthetic spike proteins are causing micro-clotting of the capillaries also mainly around the brain, heart, lungs, liver, testicles and ovaries. It also has been noted that these “vaccines” were supposed to stay localized in the shoulder muscle which they are not.
Here’s more proof…. from the NIH in 2016:
“Efficient mRNA delivery with graphene oxide”
Thanks, but before I abuse myself I have a pregnant question. Why can’t / hasn’t someone taken a vial of it and had it analyzed, just asking for a hundred million of my friends. None of you bastards publishing this stuff have any credibility, arguing about a paper trail and what said trail may or may not reveal. Reuters is especially despicable as they don’t allow comments on their reports. Hell they can’t even identify their neighbors and I’m supposed to believe they somehow have an answer to a scientific question. OK i feel better now. 🙂
Thanks, but before I abuse myself I have a pregnant question. Why can’t / hasn’t someone taken a vial of it and had it analyzed, just asking for a hundred million or so of my friends. None of the bastards reporting all this have any credibility, arguing about a paper trail and what said trail may or may not reveal. Reuters is especially despicable as they don’t allow comments on their reports. Hell they can’t even identify their neighbors and I’m supposed to believe they somehow have an answer to a scientific question. OK i feel better now. 🙂
so why hasn’t’ someone tested a vile of this stuff. this endless debate is nauseating.
the question is; do the vaccines contain graphene oxide. would someone test a vile of that stuff and tells us the test results. Enough of all this he said she said palaver. Test it and find out.
I am on your side regarding the egregious COVID panic and governmental excesses in relation to it, but your conspiracy theories about graphene oxide, 5G, electromagnetic pulse, and other chimeras seem absurd to me as author of seven or eight books on microchips and wireless technology and former board member of graphene and carbon nanotube company Seldon Labs. You should not leap to outlandish conclusions if you have no understanding to the subject.
Seems like you have enough experience to check the vials out and let us know. Can you possibly do this? I don’t know of anyone with this expertise, but if you do, we would all be very grateful if you can let us know what you find out as all this talk about graphene oxide, 5G, magnetism, etc. is making me sick to my stomach becase 93% of our family members took this jab. Please report back if you can. Thank you!