Washington state law enforcement officers are now being required to hand over their personal social media accounts upon request or risk decertification under new substitutions in Democratic Senate Bill 5051 . BREAKING: Law enforcement officers in the state of Washington are now required to hand over their personal social media accounts upon request or risk termination. pic.twitter.com/vHY45oqZMF — Katie Daviscourt?? (@KatieDaviscourt) August 10, 2021 As a condition of keeping employment under RCW 43.101.095 , law enforcement officers are forced to consent to a review of all personal social media accounts immediately at request of a representative of the Commission. Failure to comply to the Commission’s requests may result in decertification.
Due to the substitute in SB 5051, when law enforcement officers apply for certification to the Commission, the application states that officers must consent to the release of all personnel files including access to their social media accounts. “I herby […]
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