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AP Photo/Alex Brandon Joe Biden has introduced us to a game we never thought we’d have to play with the alleged leader of the free world.
It’s called “Three Guesses as to What the Doddering Dude Is Saying?” For the win, you get the grand prize if you’re able to figure it out. Unfortunately, sometimes, it’s a pretty hard game.
It seems that multiple times a week we’re scratching our heads trying to figure out just exactly what he said. Now, I really have no idea what the heck he said here. People have said it sounds like “My butt’s been wiped.” Indeed it does, but then why would he be saying that? I don’t know, it’s Joe. There is no rationale for the insanity. This is our “leader.”
In case you think that clip wasn’t real, here it is in full context. Not that the context helps. He totters up to […]
Read the rest of this story here: redstate.com