Japan started recording derelict North Korean fishing vessels washing ashore in 2011, according to reporting by CNN’s Hilary Whiteman and Mairi Mackay. Since then, 63 on average of the “ghost ships” have annually come ashore. Most are empty, but some contain dead bodies and occasionally a skeletal crew. Generally, the ships are old, underpowered, and lacking GPS. YouTube screengrab Initially, authorities assumed the vessels belonged to crews who were trying to defect from North Korea. Or ” climate change ” had caused the squids to move away from North Korean shores forcing the fishermen to travel dangerously far out to sea, where they died from exposure.
But by using satellite data, a team of researchers from the conservation group Global Fishing Watch pieced together the most likely explanation, as reported in last year’s NBC article ” Ghost Ships “:
China is sending a previously invisible armada of industrial boats to illegally […]
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