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With one-fifth of the nation’s surging COVID-19 infections reported in Florida, school boards are faced with conflicting guidance on whether students should wear masks when the 2021-22 school year begins in three weeks.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) this week updated school COVID-19 guidelines, calling for “universal masking” for students over age 2, even if they’ve been vaccinated.
AAP’s advisory won’t change the federal Centers for Disease Control & Prevention’s (CDC) guidance, at least for now, the Biden administration said.
The CDC recommends, but doesn’t mandate, children younger than 12 – who cannot as yet be vaccinated – wear masks this fall.All 67 Florida school districts are planning “a full return to in-class instruction” this fall. As of Friday, none had mandated students wear masks.Miami-Dade Schools and the Palm Beach County School District are among districts that issued statements clarifying they have no plans to change optional mask policies.Orange and Broward […]
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