The end of slavery with the passage of the 13th Amendment should be heralded as the most important anti-racism day in American history. It was the biggest step towards the equality of opportunity we have in America today, a step that was absolutely necessary for any other race advancements in America’s history to take place.
Despite this, Democrats have taken “Juneteenth” to be the day they celebrate the fight against racism. This makes absolutely zero sense until we take a look at the politics behind the history. Dinesh D’Souza did just that in a Tweet on the new national holiday.
“Democrats prefer #juneteenthday to the real occasion on which slavery was abolished—the date the 13th Amendment was passed permanently ending American slavery. This is an awkward day for Democrats because the vast majority of them—even in the North—opposed the 13th Amendment!”
Democrats prefer #juneteenthday to the real occasion on which slavery was abolished—the date the 13th Amendment was passed permanently ending American slavery. This is an awkward day for Democrats because the vast majority of them—even in the North—opposed the 13th Amendment!
— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) June 19, 2021
Despite attempts at revisionist history by many who commented on his Tweet, it is absolutely accurate. If any of the pertinent days associated with the 13th Amendment were made into a national holiday, it would act as a yearly reminder that the roots of the Democratic Party have always been tied to racism and the roots of the Republican Party have always been tied to equality.
The amendment was passed by Congress on January 31, 1865. It was ratified by the required 27 of the then 36 states on December 6, 1865. It was proclaimed on December 18, 1865. Any of these three days are more important in the history of abolishing slavery and starting the diminishment of racism in America than “Juneteenth” which is the anniversary date of June 19, 1865. It was on that day that the announcement of General Order No. 3 by Union Army general Gordon Granger was made, proclaiming and enforcing freedom of enslaved people in Texas, which was the last state of the Confederacy with institutional slavery.
Juneteenth is a day in which meaning has to be made up and even explained to most Americans. But it’s the only relevant date in 1865 that wouldn’t remind Americans how racist the Democrat Party was and continues to be today.
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JD Rucker
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