Rick Warren Twists Spurgeon’s Views to Justify His Support for Ordaining Women to the Pastorate
Rick Warren, Saddleback Church’s former pastor, is attempting to cloak his unbiblical false teachings in the legacy of Charles Spurgeon....
Rick Warren, Saddleback Church’s former pastor, is attempting to cloak his unbiblical false teachings in the legacy of Charles Spurgeon....
In the beginning was the Word, and it has reverberated through the epochs, shepherding the Church and standing as an...
The Word of God is like a vast ocean, deep and unfathomable, yet crystal clear and invigorating. It is the...
It is a criminal offense, high treason, against a Holy and righteous God that the liberal Protestant denominations have allowed...
It is absolutely horrifying and unacceptable that some parents would expose their children to simulated sex at a drag show....
The Apostle Paul warned in 2 Timothy 4:3 that a time would come when people would no longer endure sound...
What you are about to read is a harrowing account. An account (full testimony) containing intricate details concerning five missionaries...
The Overton Window is quickly being moved as Southern Baptists increasingly shift closer to the progressive position of the last...
Marxism, in a nutshell, pits people against each other by classifying people according to their status as either “oppressors” or...
It’s not okay for conservatives to do this, but it’s perfectly fine if leftist “churches” endorse candidates and instruct their...
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