Extremely strange aircraft are spotted flying through our skies every single day. This is happening in every part of the globe, and those that are having experiences with these aircraft come from a wide variety of different cultures. It has become exceedingly obvious that something is going on, but of course there is a tremendous amount of disagreement about what all of this means.
Some argue that these aircraft have an extraterrestrial origin, others argue that they have a terrestrial origin, and yet others believe that most of these sightings can all be explained as “experimental military aircraft”, drones, weather balloons or other man-made anomalies. But at this point nobody can deny that there is lots of strange activity happening above our heads, and it appears to be accelerating.
Over the past few days, some remarkable footage that was captured by a model named Valentina Rueda Velez has generated quite a bit of controversy…
A model has recorded the jaw-dropping moment a UFO zoomed past her cockpit at 20,000ft.
Valentina Rueda Velez captured the clear footage of the object when while in a private plane on Tuesday, April 4.
In the clip she shared on Instagram Story, she is flying at an altitude of 20,000 feet under a bright, blue sky.
I had to watch the footage for myself, and I have to admit that I was quite impressed…
Even though the footage is quite stunning, that doesn’t mean that it is real.
With the video editing technology at our fingertips, it is just so easy to fake something like this.
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And many would argue that some random model is not exactly the most credible witness. But we have no way of completely dismissing this footage either.
At this point I could share dozens of other UFO videos that were shot by unknown people, and we could go through the same analysis over and over again. Needless to say, that wouldn’t get us very far.
So let me shift gears and talk about the U.S. military. Since it was established less than a year ago, the “All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office” has been getting “hundreds” of new UFO reports from members of the U.S. military…
The U.S. government’s brand new UFO-tracking office has been open for half a year but business is already booming.
Over the last six months, the office — named the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) — has received “several hundreds” of new UFO reports from U.S. military personnel, office director Sean Kirkpatrick told the Associated Press. This adds to more than 140 UFO sightings reported by the military between 2004 and 2021, which were previously described in a much-anticipated report from the Pentagon in June 2021.
Are all of these individuals that are serving in our armed forces making these sightings up?
Of course not.
On Wednesday, the head of the AARO told Congress that his office is now in the process of evaluating approximately 650 different incidents…
The Pentagon is investigating a rising number of cases involving unidentified aircraft, the head of the agency’s effort told senators on Wednesday, and is now tracking some 650 incidents.
In the old days, U.S. officials worked very hard to keep speculation about UFOs very quiet. But now they are being a lot more open about these things.
Why is that?
The head of the AARO, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, has even co-authored a paper that suggests that “an artificial interstellar object could potentially be a parent craft that releases many small probes during its close passage to Earth”…
The Pentagon official wrote in March that “an artificial interstellar object could potentially be a parent craft that releases many small probes during its close passage to Earth” and that these “small probes” or “dandelion seeds” could be separated from the “mothership” by either the gravitational force of the sun or by maneuvering capability. Kirkpatrick wrote that “these tiny probes would reach the Earth or other solar system planets for exploration, as the parent craft passes by within a fraction of the Earth-Sun separation.”
“Once an Earth-like planet is targeted, an interstellar device can plunge into its atmosphere. In principle, a multitude of tiny devices can be released from a mothership that passes near Earth,” Kirkpatrick wrote. “Within a close range to a star, extraterrestrial technological probes could use starlight to charge their batteries and liquid water as their fuel.”
Personally, I think that Dr. Kirkpatrick’s theories are not exactly on target, but this just shows how much the narrative has shifted.
When I was growing up, those that talked about the existence of UFOs were considered to be a bit nuts.
Now they are running government agencies.
In my latest book, I have an entire chapter about the UFO phenomenon. Even though government officials are now discussing these issues in public, I believe that much is still being hidden from us, and I also believe that we are being set up for a deception of historic proportions.
A lot of people assume that those that are piloting these strange aircraft must be friendly, but there is a tremendous amount of evidence that they are not.
For example, UFOs have been heavily linked with the bizarre cattle mutilations that have been happening for decades in the western half of the country. Earlier today, I came across another example of this phenomenon…
Texas authorities have been left with more questions than answers after finding six cows dead along a rural highway with their tongues cut out.
Ranchers in Madison County, about 100 miles southwest of Waco, first discovered a 6-year-old longhorn cross cow lying on her side, dead and mutilated last week, the local sheriff’s office announced on Wednesday.
The cow’s tongue was removed ‘with no blood spill’ and a ‘straight, clean cut with apparent precision’ had been made to remove the hide from around the cow’s mouth on one side.
If you study this, you will find that there have been countless examples of cattle being mutilated in ways that it would be impossible for humans to do.
But we aren’t supposed to really talk about such things, are we?
We are just supposed to put our blinders on and pretend that everything is fine.
Unfortunately, the frequency of UFO sightings appears to be reaching a crescendo, and I believe that this will be an absolutely enormous story in the years ahead.
Michael’s new book entitled “End Times” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.
Article cross-posted from End of the American Dream.
Yes, we should be concerned.
Sometimes in the past there has been a correlation with disasters. But not for the obvious reason.
Project Bluebeam
UFO’s are nothing to worry about. They’re just hear as witnesses to our end. The final judgement of evil. You know, what the Bible says? The avoid us like the plague because we are the plague. Really.
Project Bluebeam
It’s easy to explain this phenomena. Another trickery by something since Hollowood firmly established scary UFO movies and this video too is about that?
About what?
To brainwash humans to attack Yahusha when he returns from the heavens again. That is ALL what this is about.
Project Bluebeam
This will be the final Great Deception to usher in the one world government.
With 3 generations of dumbed-down morons who can’t read, write, do basic math, or speak in complete sentences, it should be easy.
“Idiocracy” has arrived.
Project Bluebeam
“I for one welcome our insect overlords.” Kent Brockman
Project Bluebeam
Having a cellphone pointed out the window of a plane (filming nothing) at the same moment a Hollywood-looking UFO streams by is real convenient.
The simple fact that the government is all of a sudden promoting the existence of UFO’s after 70 years of dismissing them as balloons & swamp gas is suspect.
Extraterrestrial or not, Biden is still a corrupt jerk, vaccines are still killing, globalists are still destroying food processing & distribution, Energy production is under attack, double-digit inflation is still rampant, Zelensky is still a panhandling psycho, and there hasn’t been any progress on election reform.
If they are real, the best we can hope for is that they use their technology to drain the swamp.
Project Bluebeam
No, the occurrences aren’t increasing. The printed REPORTS are. And for good reason. The public will be ‘let in’ on a secret (which will be a lie) that will result in a lockdown that will make the COVID lockdowns look like mere suggestions. The CIA has ‘whistle-blowers’ that are liars being paid to put out false narratives.
Expect a fake flag event like no other fairly soon. They will throw in the green agenda for good measure. “The aliens demand we give up our fossil fuels now!”
Project Bluebeam
Project Bluebeam
I think all these sightings have real earthly explanations, but will be manipulated by our govt propaganda to cause concern and panic. This will enable them to tighten control over the world and continue thier final solution of depopulation.
Project Bluebeam
Not at all, ANY “aliens” are demons, who have that LOOOOONNNNGGGGG life span we read about in the Bible. Yes, some of them are still here and “operating” the world gov’ts. I know, I know, but it’s still too soon for the truth…
I don’t think this is a real sighting. Very odd that the cell phone is pointed at the correct position when it occurs. And if pilot knew its location and the plane circled around that would point to this being a mylar ballon. Which is what I first thought off when seeing it.
On that note there are craft owned by governments that use very advanced technology. The TR-3B comes to mind. With 3 anti-gravity engines. Most people have never heard of it. But that came out over a decade ago possibly further back than that. Military development is at least 50yrs ahead of what we as citizens know and are shown.
I believe all these craft being spotted now are a plot to bring forth the NWO. I do not think they are alien. The physics involved for an alien craft to travel light years and come to our planet is not known to us. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. But, the only reason for an alien to visit our planet is not to come in peace. They will come for our resources. They will not play hide and seek games with us. If they are able to get here from the nearest system that may have a habitable planet, 400 light years away, they would have extraordinary capabilities. And they won’t want to play patty cake.
Project Bluebeam
Project Bluebeam
It looks an awful lot like the flying sub from the Television series “Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea” from the 1960s.
watch what is going on in the left hand while you focus on the right hand.