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Over the last six years, we’ve learned that the Washington D.C. Uniparty, which exists in both Congress and the administrative state, will do anything to maintain its grip on power. Today, it emerged that Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell (Uniparty-KY) has agreed to include in the upcoming National Defense Authorization Act a provision that will allow old-line media companies to create a cartel dictating how their material will be carried on the internet. That this newly created power has nothing to do with defense, will harm the flow of information to Americans, and will prop up a malevolent arm of the Democrat party is irrelevant.
What McConnell said “yes” to is something called the “Journalism Competition and Preservation Act.” And “yes,” in case you’re wondering, it means that the Uniparty has […]
Read the rest of this story here: www.americanthinker.com