Remember the 1994 Contract with America and the Gingrich Revolution? It didn’t do badly. It won the Republicans a House and Senate majority in a historic upset. It was a reaction to the bumbling first two years of a Democrat administration. The situation is similar today.
But the Left is stronger now and many of them are Marxists who have burrowed into government like termites into a building. They also have the same effect. To rid ourselves of this infestation we’ve got to go after the nest, government. Thus in a new contract with the voters Republican leaders Kevin McCarthy and Tom Emmer should pledge to privatize anything they can reasonably lay their hands on. Here’s a list they can start from.
1) Amtrak- Stop giving them public money and perhaps they will operate somewhat efficiently. Now, they don’t. Though some good people work there, Amtrak trains are regularly hours late […]
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