Some in the independent Internet news media world seem to have the misconception that most Japanese people now reject the Covid narrative of the last five years. The truth is the opposite. Japan’s leaders, the news media, and the public still mostly adhere to the Covid lies that large numbers of people in the rest of the world now admit were false.
For example, consider the following article and its headline from September 2, 2024: “Japan Warns COVID Vaccines Causing Global Population Collapse.” The article gives the impression that Japan as a whole is warning the world. Unfortunately, such is not the case. Nor is the Japanese news media as a whole warning the population about the Covid injections, as the article implies in claiming that “Japanese media begins to approach the issue with honesty…”
On the contrary, the vast majority of mainstream Japanese news stories continue to depict opposition to Covid vaccines as irrational fear. On October 7, 2024, The Japan Times ran an article titled “Experts move to allay replicon Covid shots fears in Japan amid backlash,” which unsurprisingly depicted well-founded anxiety as irrational fear that goes against enlightened “expert opinion.”
Of course, they neglected to mention Japanese experts and researchers who hold the opposite opinion about mRNA injections – especially about the newer, self-replicating variety. Moreover, they ignore the existing mountain of evidence that mRNA injections in general are unsafe and ineffective. Instead, they praise the self-replicating shots as superior to the older shots, which “can only keep infection or development of symptoms at bay for a few months.”
Strangely enough, that last admission about effectiveness for only “a few months” obviously contradicts a lot of previous government/news media messaging about the effectiveness of the older mRNA shots. What a pathetic “vaccine!” And they want us to believe in the newer version? […]
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