Shalom from a nation that is once again in full-blown war! And that’s both a bad thing and a good thing. It’s because, in war, people get killed. Sometimes, those who die are fighting on the evil side and sometimes on the good side. But either way, death ends a person’s window of opportunity for salvation, and that is always a tragedy.
However, sometimes war can also be good because it has the potential to accomplish a task that must be done. That is true in Israel’s case. When we first signed the ceasefire with Hamas, I told you that a day would come when the terrorists would break the agreement, and hostilities would once again commence. We have reached that day. While I wish we could have received our hostages back and seen the dismantling of Hamas without any more bloodshed, it seems the terrorists had other plans. So, there will be more bloodshed, more destruction, and more sorrow.
But this time, because Israel has the full backing of the United States, the hostilities will continue until Israel’s war aims are complete. And, amidst the darkness of war, that at least is one shining light. As always, there is howling at the return to fighting by the international media, including most of the worthless news sources in Israel, saying that Netanyahu is using war to hold on to his tenuous power. When you read those headlines, remember the sources and understand that most in Israel are on his side when it comes to fighting this battle to the end. It must be done, and it must be done now.
For everyone who has been faithfully praying for God to move in the Middle East, we are seeing Him answering those prayers. There has been a major shift of activity in my part of the globe and throughout the world. Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Gaza, West Bank, Yemen, Europe, United States, Canada, Egypt, China, and many other nations are experiencing great changes and are facing major decisions regarding alliances and future actions. Almost all of this fluctuation is tied to the Trump factor. You may love him or you may hate him, but there is no doubt that he is a catalyst for change in the structured world order and the most significant geopolitical figure alive today.
Back to War in Gaza
As I mentioned above, the collapse of the ceasefire between Israel and Gaza was inevitable. As the late Foreign Affairs Minister Abba Eban said, “The Arabs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.” Hamas began dragging its feet on the return of hostages, because the captives are the only currency they have that is worth anything. Finally, the negotiations broke down, and Israel, fully supported by the United States, renewed hostilities. As Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated, “From now on, negotiations will only take place under fire.” Aerial attacks by the IDF on Tuesday took a heavy toll on Hamas. More than 400 were killed, most of whom were Hamas, and many of those were high-level players. […]
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