(Natural News)—Bioterrorism is the deliberate release of viruses, bacteria, toxins or chemical concoctions with the goal of causing widespread chaos, mass sickness and death and economic destruction. In the past 50 years, nearly three dozen terrorist attacks are documented that involved biological agents, yet up until Covid-19 was created and released, all the other biological attacks only racked up about 800 injuries and 9 deaths, according to records published in PubMed. Two-thirds of those biological terrorist attacks occurred on U.S. soil.
After 9/11 happened, the U.S. Government was hell-bent on finding the terrorists responsible and bringing them to justice. That infamous event wasn’t chalked up as “bioterrorism,” even though the toxic fire, burning jet fuel and asbestos, poisoned thousands of humans, but it certainly was terrorism, and it occurred right here on U.S. soil, in one of the most densely populated cities in the nation.
So then, why is it that after Covid-19 was released from the Wuhan laboratory and spread around the world, the U.S. Government made ZERO attempts to find the terrorists who infected the masses? Maybe because it was an inside job, just like 9/11 was suspected to be.
The New Age of Pandemics ushers in a whole new age of bioweapons, and those developing and releasing “gain of function” viruses should be arrested for terrorism
The four-year-long 34th act of bioterrorism is almost over. Covid has almost come to an end, and not because of vaccines, masks or social distancing. The United States NIH worked in tandem with the CCP (Chinese Communist Party), using the military from both regimes, to develop bioweapons to destroy the lives and livelihoods of a few billion people, and for the most part, it worked. These bioweapons included the deadly mRNA “clot shots.” This new age form of terrorism has only just begun.
Now, they want to develop deadly vaccines BEFORE the new gain-of-function viruses and pathogens are released, all-but admitting they plan to use their new creations for terrorism and complete decimation and control of the populace.
The NIH, CDC, and WHO are calling for massive investments in ‘cutting-edge vaccine platforms’ to defend against bioweapons they themselves are creating. How ironic. They’re calling it a ‘critical race against time.’
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Then, after they release these bioweapons that they call ‘novel viruses,’ there’s another form of terrorism called misinformation, where the mass media industrial complex tries to censor the whistleblowers, truth media and all non-scripted independent news. This is an attack using propaganda and censorship, while the terrorists themselves spread disinformation everywhere.
From Anthrax to Monkeypox, and from Zika to Swine Flu, we’ve experienced just about every kind of bioterrorism imaginable, but it usually comes from rogue government agencies and their cohorts in the military, rather than from a small group of jihad-style psychopaths with twisted religious convictions.
There’s a new call to ban gain-of-function research. The former White House “Covid Czar” is warning the world right now about the impending age of bioweapon pandemics, also known as ‘plandemics’ or ‘scamdemics.’ Whether or not these new viruses, that can jump from animals to humans, and then spread from human to human, are released on purpose or stolen by terrorists and then released, the end result is the same. Bookmark Vaccines.news to your favorite independent websites for updates on terrorist attacks using bioweapons like gain-of-function viruses and mRNA death-stabs.
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