When it was clear that our liberties were going to be violated by public officials’ overreaction to the 2020 novel coronavirus outbreak, we considered encouraging Americans to engage in civil disobedience against the unlawful orders that were about to be issued. We regret that we did not write that editorial. We have no such hesitation in 2024, though.
When the COVID test positivity rate surged last month, surpassing the summer peaks of 2022 and 2023, a few voices insisted that we needed to go back to the asinine rules of 2020.
“We all need to prepare for not only the possibility of continued disruptions but for another new normal that might be a little closer to 2020 than how we’ve recently been living,” Aron Solomon wrote last week in The Hill under the headline: “Summer COVID surge shows we may have to return to 2020 pandemic measures.”
Solomon, chief strategy officer for Amplify, a legal marketing and media agency, also complained that “the federal government’s response to the latest surge has been tepid at best.” […]
— Read More: issuesinsights.com