Bitter-clingers … you’ll never learn, never figure it out, will you? Next week’s CNN “debate” is RIGGED. The coverage has already been written … Joe Biden put to rest the claims he is too old for a second term. It was Trump, not Biden, who looked confused and fatigued. Biden answered the critics. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.
Expectations for Trump are impossibly high. While expectations for Biden are so low that they are virtually subterranean … indeed, all Biden need do is show up and not sh*t or p*ss himself and he will be declared everywhere (including the Faux News that you bitter-clingers continue to desperately believe is NOT regime-propaganda) to have “done what he needed to do” and any number of other stupid cliches.
The Regime is giving BidenX an entire week of rest. He’ll probably be off his feet for 20 hours per day and sleeping (under the influence of drugs, of course) for 16 hours per day. And he will be jacked up on amphetamines for the debate. You are going to see a pharmaceutical superman … not the bumbling, mumbling REAL BidenX. […]
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