On the last day of May, there was an absolutely ghastly knife attack in Mannheim, Germany, which was the poster child for everything that has gone so horribly wrong with Merkel and company’s much-ballyhooed, open-door immigration policies.
A “right-wing, anti-political Islam” activist, standing in the square with a small gathering of his Pax Europa group, was suddenly attacked by an Afghan immigrant – a failed asylum seeker who’d been in the country since 2014 – wielding a knife.
In the ensuing chaos, several members of the group were stabbed, including a young German police officer who, instead of charging the assailant, inexplicably tackled one of the victims. That misjudgment wound up costing him his life, as the now-unrestrained assassin slashed into the officer’s unprotected neck, occupied as he was subduing a victim.
The poor 29-year-old fellow died in the hospital shortly thereafter. German police shot and killed the […]
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