Half of all the Hamas terrorists in Gaza have been killed during the war, according to Reuters, citing U.S. officials Thursday, and most of the remaining ones are holed up in the town of Rafah, where Israel has been advancing slowly.
Reuters reported : Hamas has seen about half its forces wiped out in eight months of war and is relying on hit-and-run insurgent tactics to frustrate Israel’s attempts to take control of Gaza, U.S. and Israeli officials told Reuters. The enclave’s ruling group has been reduced to between 9,000 and 12,000 fighters, according to three senior U.S. officials familiar with battlefield developments, down from American estimates, opens new tab of 20,000-25,000 before the conflict. By contrast, Israel says it has lost almost 300 troops in the Gaza campaign. Israel estimates that it has killed roughly 15,000 Hamas terrorists, which falls within the range […]
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