(WND)—A prominent voice for women’s economic issues is suggesting that Michelle Obama will be the Democrat nominee for the fall’s election, not the mentally fading and increasingly unpopular Joe Biden.
Heather R. Higgins, CEO of Independent Womens’ Voice, has written at Real Clear Wire that, “Even Jill will face reality and … opt for the switcheroo.”
Biden’s popularity has been underwater for years. He’s viewed as the reason for the 17% inflation Americans have paid since he took office. And he’s blamed for the wide-open southern border through which he’s allowed millions of illegal aliens to enter. He’s blamed for massive spending on green climate ideology. His major accomplishments have been to promote transgenderism and abortion for all everywhere.
Then there’s the recent special counsel report investigating his willful decision to take and keep classified government documents. Robert Hur recommended against charging Biden, because of his declining mental capabilities.
The question then arises, according to Higgins, “What’s a Democrat to do?”
The problem is obvious: “President Biden’s poll numbers seem set in quicksand. Now the special counsel’s justification for not recommending charges against Biden for having ‘willfully retained and disclosed classified materials’ is damning: Biden’s memory has such ‘significant limitations’ that the special counsel believed he could not convince a jury that Biden has a ‘mental state of willfulness’ that a serious felony (or, presumably, serving as president) requires.”
Higgins, however, notes the DNC rules likely will save the day for the party, assuming there are enough “sticks and carrots” to push Biden out of the way.
They’ve already done it. “Remember the New Jersey ‘Switcheroo’ way back in 2002, when Democrats turned a sure loss of a Senate seat into a win by swapping out their losing candidate at the last minute, overriding a state law that said it was too late in the cycle for such a switch?”
She explained Biden is just “a placeholder” being used to suppress possible competition to “a much better bet,” Michelle O.
Of course Obama has said she doesn’t want the job, but the column points that was before Biden redefined the position as “a four-day workweek, consisting of one social obligation per day, and everything else delegated.”
And she warned people could go for it. After all, they went for Barack Obama twice.
“The switch could be done at the convention – but that requires 300 delegate signatures, and would open the door to a lot of politicking over several weeks by other potential candidates,” she noted. “But should Biden be incentivized to suddenly declare a new health issue that leads him to announce a week or two after the convention that he will continue his term but will not be running, suddenly we have one of those crises that should not be wasted.”
“DNC rules that apply are actually rather simple. Article Three, Section 1(c) of the Charter & Bylaws of the Democratic Party says ‘The Democratic National Committee shall have general responsibility for the affairs of the Democratic Party between National Conventions … This responsibility shall include filling vacancies in the nominations for the office of President and Vice President.’”
And why an Obama?
“It would make no sense for Biden to remove himself from the ticket in order to simply elevate Vice President Kamala Harris. The point of the whole exercise is to win. Michelle Obama is the only potential candidate who could safely replace a black woman on the Democrat ticket without causing a major political disruption inside a core Democrat voter group.”
Further, “And just recently an entire special edition of Life magazine about the inspiring Michelle Obama parked itself for $14.99 at your nearest supermarket checkout line. The cover may say ‘The Post-White House Phenomenon,’ but everything post-White House is confined to five paragraphs in the first introductory pages – while the rest of the 112 glossy pages are one-third backstory and two-thirds Michelle in the White House, looking presidential.”
She noted in London, betting on American politics is legal, and more bets have been placed recently on Obama moving into the White House than Biden staying there.
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