Here’s a bold claim: One lie about climate change stands out as the biggest. It’s bold because there are so many climate change lies being disseminated by the Globalist Elite Cabal and their many puppets in government, media, and the “scientific” community. Nonetheless, one is a real “Whopper” in both the literal as well as the Burger-King-Sense of the term.
They claim gas that comes from cows is the biggest threat to the environment. One could easily write an entire book debunking this claim, but the real tell that should make everyone question the entirety of the narrative is that fact that lab-grown meat — the supposed “green” replacement for real meat — is up to 25-times worse for the environment than the natural stuff.
If the intention was really to save the environment, wouldn’t this fact make replacing beef with frankenmeat a non-starter? It’s not like this data is coming from some “fringe” site or “right-wing” scientist. It was initially reported in a study by the University of California in Davis. As they noted:
The scientists defined the global warming potential as the carbon dioxide equivalents emitted for each kilogram of meat produced. The study found that the global warming potential of lab-based meat using these purified media is four to 25 times greater than the average for retail beef.
If replacing the pasture with the petri dish as the origin of beef has nothing to do with saving the environment, what do the Globalist Elite Cabal members really want? For that answer, we turn to the recently deceased Godfather of Modern Globalism, Henry Kissinger. He detailed three rules for their agenda:
- “Who controls the food supply controls the people.”
- “Who controls the energy can control whole continents.”
- “Who controls money can control the world.”
That first tenet is the relevant one here. Controlling the food supply is a primary goal of the Globalist Elite Cabal. It’s exponentially easier to simply outlaw real beef rather than trying to take over every ranch in the world.
To those who may be skeptical about the intentions of the Globalist Elite Cabal, I urge you to dig deeper into all three Kissinger tenets. Watch what’s happening to the food supply with the frankenmeat push, unprecedented bird flu, food production plants being destroyed, laws being passed to harm farmers, and massive inflation at the grocery stores and restaurants.
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Then, repeat the process for energy and money. One does not have to become a full-blown conspiracy theorist questioning the moon landings in order to see the machinations of the Globalist Elite Cabal unfolding before our eyes. One simply has to realize that the “elites” (I hate using that term but it’s what everyone else uses so I’ll invoke it here for clarity) really are engaged in a depopulation and control agenda that spans the aforementioned governments, media, and “scientific community.” Add in academia, federal law enforcement, Big Tech, central banks, Hollywood, and a dozen other influential industries and the scope of our dilemma becomes more clear.
Over the weekend, these “elites” met in Dubai to further plot our demise at COP28. There were some representatives from the real meat world who tried to talk sense into them, but they were not only met by a reluctant audience but also eco-cultists. As The Gateway Pundit noted:
Vegan eco-terrorists are outraged that meat lobbyists descended on the COP28 climate conference in Dubai to counter the attack on meat consumption in first-world countries.
The climate change zealots (Communists) are not only coming for your gas-powered vehicles, they want to destroy the cattle and farming industry under the guise of reducing carbon emissions with a ‘net zero plan.’
The ‘net zero plan’ will lead to famine. Of course, this is the plan and it isn’t the first time junk science will be used to starve millions (or billions) of people. The Soviet Union used Communist pseudo-scientist Trofim Lysenko to starve millions in the 20th century.
The United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) rolled out its food guidance for first-world countries in an effort to reduce carbon emissions.
The message to ‘rich’ countries? Consume less meat.
“Nations that over-consume meat will be advised to limit their intake, while developing countries — where under-consumption of meat adds to a prevalent nutrition challenge — will need to improve their livestock farming, according to the FAO.” Bloomberg reported.
There is no way to change the minds of those who have already determined they must eliminate real meat from our diets. We know this because the facts presented by UC Davis should have made them reverse course if that were possible. It’s not. The only things we can do are:
- Continue fighting the good fight by opposing any actions taken by governments and corporations against real food industries.
- Prepare ourselves, our families, and when possible our communities for a future in which real food is outlawed and only government-supplied rations are used to control the masses.
- Pray.
For transparency, my freeze-dried beef company is obviously very much embedded in action #2. We are trying to supply high-quality long-term storage all-American beef to people. It is my sincere hope that my readers do not think I’m “fearmongering” for the sake of sales. I would be talking about this existential threat even if I had no interest in feeding people. In fact, the whole reason we started the company in the first place was to fight exactly what we’re seeing unfolding around us.
Do not let anyone gaslight you. Attacks on real meat have nothing to do with climate change. The powers-that-be have weaponized climate change as their universal boogeyman to justify destructive actions so people don’t recognize them as crimes against humanity. What they’re doing to meat is 100% about control. They’re just following what Kissinger told them to do decades ago.