Photo by Engin Akyurt on Today, the glittering facades of prosperity and self-interest have largely shrouded the sacred reverence and humble piety at the heart of Christianity. The Holy Scripture is often misinterpreted and misused to serve the interests of man rather than glorify the sovereignty of God. This perversion of Christianity equates God to a genie—a divine figure whose sole purpose is to fulfill human desires, as if the Creator is obligated to meet the whims of His creation.
We see this erroneous perspective manifest when one faces the death of a loved one, loses a job, or battles a debilitating disease. In such times, many question why a loving God would allow their suffering, or why their fervent prayers for health, security, or relief seemingly go unanswered. Herein, God is often viewed not as the Sovereign Lord of the universe, but as an earthly genie who failed […]
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