Editor’s Commentary: It is incumbent on us all to discern what’s happening in the world and determine if it’s important enough for us to change how we’re living. The article below by Michael Snyder declares that we’re in the end times and the weather we’re seeing is a sign of that. I am always skeptical of any claims that “this is it,” having lived through dozens of supposedly prophetic events. I heard Obama is definitely the Antichrist. I heard 2012 was the end because the Mayans said so. I heard the blood moons of 2015 meant we were toast. There is never a shortage of signs that can be interpreted as “this is it.”
With that said, Snyder makes some solid points, and while I will never declare world events are definitely signs of Jesus Christ’s imminent return, I won’t dismiss them, either. It’s possible that the crazy weather we’re seeing is just random, cyclical. It’s possible that we’re experiencing weather manipulation for the sake of selling the climate change hoax. It’s possible that God is waking people up. And none of these are mutually exclusive; it wouldn’t surprise me if we learn in the afterlife that God had globalists use weather manipulation to serve His purposes of warning us. The point is this: Read Snyder’s words below with an open mind but always be discerning as well. Crazy things are happening. How we let those things determine our course is a matter of proper discernment. Here’s Michael Snyder…
Have you noticed that we are being hit by an endless series of weather emergencies? Here in the middle of 2023, farms in the Midwest are being devastated by a seemingly endless drought, massive dust storms are happening as far north as Illinois, residents of Vermont just experienced the worst flooding that they have seen in nearly 100 years, and the Southwest is being baked by unprecedented heat. I realize that this is a very sensitive topic.
A large portion of the population insists that what we are witnessing is “normal”, while another large portion of the population believes that we can fix the weather by changing our behavior. Unfortunately, both groups are wrong. What we are beginning to experience is the apocalyptic weather of the end times, and things are only going to get crazier during the months and years that are in front of us.
Right now, the horrifying heat wave that is frying the Southwest is making headlines all over the nation…
Across a wide swath of the U.S. from Texas to Nevada, a major heat wave that is threatening to break temperature records continued to bake parts of the South and Southwest on Wednesday, sending people scrambling for relief and adding to what has become a series of weather extremes that researchers say fit the pattern of a warming environment.
Temperatures well into the triple digits are expected this weekend from California to Texas to Florida, with parts of Nevada forecast to reach 116 degrees Fahrenheit and cities in Arizona expected to hit a staggering 118 F.
Temperatures this high are life-threatening, and it is likely that quite a few people will die from the heat in the days ahead.
In Phoenix, there is a possibility that the city could actually see the 120 degree mark for only the fourth time ever…
‘While the 120-degree mark is not a certainty for Phoenix, it is possible late this week and this upcoming weekend,’ AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Alex Sosnowski warned this week of forecast temperatures for the famously arid city, known as Arizona’s Valley of the Sun.
The city has seen 13 consecutive 110F-plus days – and now weather experts warn the city may soon challenge its all-time record of 18 days.
The all-time record high in Phoenix is 122 degrees. There is a chance that record could get broken.
But even now, the heat is so intense that it is actually melting tar on the roofs of some homes…
‘How bad is the Phoenix heat wave? The tar is melting off the newish roof on our house,’ Astrid Galvan shared in a post.
On TikTok, one hilarious resident shared a video of himself frying an egg on a grill that was not plugged in but heated up by the sun.
‘Gotta love Az summers,’ the creator captioned the video.
That is hot! Unfortunately, conditions are going to be like this for a while.
These oppressive temperatures are being caused by a “heat dome” that is “now set to persist through much of the month”…
A sprawling area of high pressure currently positioned directly over the Four Corners is responsible for the scorching temperatures, which are unusual even for the notoriously hot expanse.
Known as a ‘heat dome’ to meteorologists, the phenomenon is now set to persist through much of the month – scorching metros in Arizona, Nevada, and California in the process.
And of course this is happening in the context of a historic global heat wave.
In fact, we are being told that last month was the warmest June “since at least 1850”…
Last month was the warmest June globally since at least 1850, when record-keeping began, according to a new report by Berkeley Earth, a nonprofit research organization that focuses on climate data analysis. The report found that June 2023 broke the previous record, set last year, by a “large margin,” putting the planet on track for one of the warmest years on record — if not the warmest.
Meanwhile, ocean temperatures also continue to rise.
If you can believe it, some areas off the coast of Florida are actually experiencing “hot tub-like water temperatures”…
Buoys off the coast of Florida measured hot tub-like water temperatures near 97 degrees Fahrenheit on Monday in the shallow, heat-prone Florida Bay between the southern tip of Florida and the Keys. The more ecologically vital and expansive coral reefs are located east and south of the Florida Keys, but the buoy measurements indicate just how extreme the heat in Florida has been so unusually early in the summer.
Ocean temperatures around Florida usually get hotter as the summer progresses and don’t reach their peak until late August into September, Manzello said, meaning ocean temperatures could rise further.
If ocean temperatures stay this high, it will significantly intensify any major storms that come along later this year.
Perhaps this explains why Farmers Insurance has suddenly decided to completely pull out of the state of Florida…
Farmers Insurance will stop offering its policies in Florida, including home, auto and umbrella policies, in a change that will force thousands of people to change their insurance provider.
The company said in a statement that its decision to get out of Florida was a business decision necessary to manage its risk exposure in the hurricane-prone state. Farmers serves 100,000 customers in Florida but said there will be no impact to customers who use Farmers’ owned subsidiaries like Foremost Signature and Bristol West.
So why is all of this happening?
Well, whenever there is a lot of solar activity temperatures tend to rise, and right now sunspot activity has spiked to very alarming levels.
SUNSPOT NUMBER SOARS TO OVER 200 AGAIN! Over the last 20 years a sunspot number >200 has only happened a couple of times. Now it seems to be occurring several times per month. We are about to lose some spot regions over the W limb, so it will soon drop back to more normal values. pic.twitter.com/wkmPSsRxJW
— Keith Strong (@drkstrong) July 11, 2023
So we are being cooked from above, and we are also being cooked from beneath.
In a previous article, I discussed some of the very unusual things that are happening on our ocean floors. For example, scientists recently discovered “a sprawling field of hydrothermal vents” on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean that are releasing material “hot enough to melt lead”…
On March 12, a team of scientists gathered in the control room of the RV Falkor (too), an oceanographic research vessel operated by the Schmidt Ocean Institute. They watched the monitor of a camera-wielding underwater drone, or ROV, as it explored the deep sea 2,000 meters (6,600 feet) below the ship. When the screen showed a plume of black smoke, the scientists cheered.
The video showed a sprawling field of hydrothermal vents — fissures in the seabed where seawater mixes with magma — on the Puy des Folles Volcano on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Some of the vents, known as “black smokers,” had formed tall “chimneys” of iron sulfide deposits that gushed out dark, sulfurous plumes with temperatures up to about 340° Celsius (644° Fahrenheit), hot enough to melt lead.
During the months and years to come, our planet will get even more unstable, and that is because we really are living in the end times.
Sadly, most people don’t want to hear the truth.
Most people just assume that the politicians have everything under control.
But they don’t.
What is happening to us is outside of our control, and the “birth pains” that we are experiencing will only become more intense in the days ahead.
Michael’s new book entitled “End Times” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.
Articles cross-posted from End of the American Dream.
Greta Thunberg (reporting from Al Gore’s garage lab):
This is just the beginning. Soon the possibility hurricanes will be real. In July and August, temperatures will soar into the 90’s. By the end of September, leaves will begin to dry up and fall off trees, and that means all of them. In December, temperatures will steadily drop and by January, snow storms and sustained freezing will occur. Ponds and lakes will actually freeze over and ice storms will occur. This will continue into February. The possibility of sub-zero weather will be real. Beginning in March, a thaw will cause major flooding to occur in some parts, and by April multiple tornadoes will wreak havoc.
I love this the same old weather we have had for a 100 years with lots of heat and cold flooding and drought in all of these areas , and now with instant news and the selling of books it is all of a sudden extreme weather, the only thing hotter than normal is hell and that is where most of you are headed with all of your lies about the weather being different. When the biblical times changes hit it will resemble events that have happened before human habitation and you will not be reading about it you will be dead from the change. Oil being used is part of the natural carbon cycle that God put in place and we have nothing to do with lasting long term climate shifts. We may modify it today and slightly change it tomorrow but the natural processes of the earth will eventually erase many of us from existence, but most likely our end will probably come from a nuclear fireball.
Exactly, except you cut off the last line. “All scientists agree that by the end of May, everyone will be dead if you don’t turn your air conditioners up to 89 and use the money you save to buy ugly t-shirts on Thundberg.com, sponsered by Blood and Gore, LLC.”
This was really written by Al Gore, wasn’t it? What a bunch of shit you just typed, shame on you.
What it should say is “we are suffering an unprecedented drought in the area once known as the dust bowl…” I saw a website once that listed headlines from the 1800″s about the “worst weather event ever.” There were multiple headlines from every year for over a hundred years running. With respect for the former, you obviously have people in both religions (Christianity and the Satanic Climate cult) trying to use weather events apologetically (to defend their beliefs). I figure it’s like scanning a crowd in the distance for someone you know well: “Is that EndTimes? No. Is that EndTimes? No. Oh, THERE’S EndTimes! Over here, buddy!” If you’re having to make an argument that it’s here, it ain’t here. You’ll know the end times without any doubt when you see them. Which is kind if what God said. Trying to make an argument about whether it’s the end times is the worst use of a Christian’s time (kind of like trusting in the mythical Rapture). Live right as God intended, work against the evil that is in front of you, and when it comes, it comes.
Read the Bible. Don’t accept the “History” Channel version nor the guy in robes begging for money version either. There is a very specific set of events that absolutely must happen and they ain’t happened.
Secondly, quit thinking you’re going to change the outcome. You’re not. Billion will die. Not thousands, not millions, billions… almost the entire human population will be deemed unfit for the Millennial Kingdom and will cease to exist. No, not in Hell. Hell is not your prison, it’s for fallen angels. If you fail the final exam, you’re just gone.
You are not going to escape the tribulations. You will be tested. That’s pretty much the whole point of this exercise. Only the very best will live with Christ. Only a very few will be spared the “End Times” and if this is it, you didn’t make it and need to seriously re-evaluate your paradigms.
Don’t take my word for it, it’s all in the book. Just read it and quit guessing. When the end times are here there will be no doubt for any who’ve read the Holy Bible. You can either believe the Bible is the word of God, or not. That’s entirely your choice. If you say the word of God can’t be taken literally, then you might as well consider it a work of fiction. It can’t be both. Pick one. Choose wisely.
I spent 12 years in Catholic schools and I reject all this nonsensical “end of times” stuff. Also, while July in Phoenix may be unprecedented, so was June being possibly the coolest ever here.
The authors of these articles never reflect on the meaning of their words. Prime example: “the worst flooding in 100 years”. They don’t ask “what caused that flooding 100 years ago BEFORE heavy use of fossil fuels and whatever else they claim causes so called “climate change”. That question IMMEDIATELY DERAILS their pseudo-science explanation of what is happening today.
The temperatures mentioned in the article are SEASONAL and some summers are hotter than others. There is no mention of WINTER temperatures in the countries SOUTH of the the equator. If they are going to CLAIM global warming, those winter temps better be well above average at the same time. It is all a con for people who don’t ask questions or think for themselves.