Lawmakers in Ohio moved to put the brakes on special-interest groups bypassing the regular legislative process by putting a constitutional amendment on the ballot for a special August election. A “yes” vote on Issue 1 would amend the Ohio Constitution to require a 60% supermajority for future amendments instead of the current 50% threshold.
The reason for the amendment is simple: It should not be an easy process to amend the Constitution. It should not be subject to the whims of temporary controversies or bucketloads of cash from out-of-state special-interest groups. The proposed amendment would elevate “the standards to qualify for an initiated constitutional amendment and to pass a constitutional amendment,” according to the certified ballot language .
Secretary of State Frank LaRose, a leading proponent of the amendment and likely candidate for the U.S. Senate, told PJ Media that the Ohio Constitution is “for sale to the […]
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