R.I. Senator Josh Miller Democratic Rhode Island state Senator Joshua Miller, who police arrested last week for allegedly vandalizing a vehicle with a “Biden Sucks” sticker parked at an outdoor shopping area, reportedly faces additional charges after denying involvement in the incident to police.
On Thursday, Cranston Police charged Miller with vandalism and malicious injury to property after a suspect accused the lawmaker of “keying” an SUV in the Garden City Center parking lot. When confronted about the incident, Miller denied the accusation to the victim and authorities and was initially let go.
Upon further review of surveillance footage, an officer showed up at Miller’s house and placed him in custody after he admitted to the crime and volunteered to go to the police station and was released on $1,000 personal recognizance.
Cranston Police Col. Michael Winquist on Tuesday told local media that city attorneys are now also “looking at a possible […]
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