The debate at hand: Should ethnicity be a factor for surgery waitlists?
If your first thought was, ” What?? ” or “That’s racist! ” then, congrats, you are probably a sane individual.
But for the wokies, deciding who gets surgeries based first on skin color is called equality and equity . This week, New Zealanders are debating whether ethnicity should be a determining factor when patients get surgery.
Clinicians have used an algorithm to modify the placement of patients on elective surgery waitlists. The algorithm considers factors such as the duration of patients’ waitlist status, their residential location, financial situation, and ethnicity.According to AP : Indigenous Māori and Pacific Island patients are given a higher priority on the list, pushing down white New Zealanders and other ethnicities. The idea is to balance out longstanding inequities in the publicly funded health system. As the austere scholar and racist-Marxist Ibram X. Kendi put it, […]
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