Republican Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) schooled radical Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) with an important history lesson on Twitter today. AOC butted in while Cruz was setting a Democratic Party operative straight about the Civil Right Act saying:
“That shameful filibuster was led by Democrats—your party.
“My party—the Republicans—proudly voted for the Civil Rights Act in much higher percentages than the racist Dems.”
AOC chimed in with: “Why don’t you go ahead and tell people what happened to the parties after that, Ted.”Cruz said: “Sure.“First, the Dem party founded the KKK.“Then the Dem party wrote Jim Crow laws.“Then the Dem party filibustered the Civil Rights Act.“Today, the Dem part filibusters school choice—trapping millions of Black kids in failing schools.“Today, the Dem party pushes abolishing the police, which results in many more Black lives murdered.“Today, every Dem senator voted against my bill to stop DC from throwing 40% of Black kids out of schools […]
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