An upcoming service called “Seance AI” is being built by a software development lab called AE Studio, where its creator, a designer named Jarren Rocks, isn’t shy about the straightforwardness of the product’s name or its intent.
While other companies often talk around any implication of resurrecting the dead, Rocks leans full-tilt into the ghoulishness — and according to him, it’s very intentional.
“We’re trying to make it sound as magical and as mystical as possible,” Rocks told Futurism, saying the name is a call to attention over how advanced large language model (LLM) tech has gotten.
AdvertisementLLMs, after all, are convincing simulacra. People are forming deep parasocial bonds with them, and at least one person is alleged to have died as a result of their interactions with an AI chatbot.If a user is looking for a final conversation with someone they’ve lost, maybe it is better to give […]
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