When leftists use the phrase “safe space,” they mean a place where they won’t be forced to hear challenging ideas. When I use the phrase “safe space,” I mean a place in which parents need not worry that their children will be exposed to so-called “gender identity” theory or that their prepubescent daughter will be sleeping in the same cabin as an 18-year-old man who “identifies” as a girl. Once, Church-run camps were that kind of safe space, but one family’s experience shows that you can no longer assume that’s true.
One of my favorite sites is Not the Bee , a real-news page for America’s most brilliant satire site, The Babylon Bee . Usually, the site has short news stories, tweets, or videos highlighting wacky leftism and good-guy regular Americans. Yesterday, though, there was something different: A detailed post about the author’s shocked dismay to learn that the wholesome […]
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