“He who controls the language controls the masses.” – Saul Alinsky
I often tell friends that I regularly check in to MSNBC’s YouTube page “so (they) don’t have to.” (Seriously, it IS hazardous to your health. But how can you know how the enemy thinks if you don’t study him?) At any rate, on Friday morning, the sun rose, MSNBC began transmitting their ruling class propaganda again, and Mr. and Mrs. Brzezinski (I’ll leave it to you to decide who’s who) brought on yet another conniving ruling class jagoff…in this case, trough-feeding Illinois governor JB Pritzker. Not content to let Pritzker plug his own recent oped in Politico (as if he EVER waits to be fed), Mr. and Mrs. B threw him a line he had used in the oped title to get him going: “culture war”. Ah yes…the authoritarians of the American Left accuse their opponents of a “culture […]
Read the rest of this story here: www.theburningplatform.com
We’re in that “awkward” phase, before the first trigger is pulled.