Demands for “reparations” for the wrongs of slavery are poisonous, and can only lead to heightened racial conflict, which no doubt is the intent of some advocates. But as official bodies like San Francisco’s African American Reparations Advisory Committee proliferate, the greed underlying the victimology is becoming obvious. The San Francisco body demanded an immediate transfer of wealth that would equal the wealth of the top 1½ % of Americans to San Francisco blacks who met its criteria. Now comes yet another race hustler with an equally if not more impractical demand.
Ben Bartee reports for PJ Media : A racist in a tablecloth suit named Dr. Umar Johnson decreed on The Breakfast Club radio show recently that the American government must carve out a full quarter of all economic activity — in perpetuity. “We get a 25% cut… every time America makes a dollar.” That would amount to approximately […]
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