The CCP has learned to use the robust U.S. legal system to weaken America’s standing as the world’s leading superpower.
In its relentless quest for global hegemony, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) knows no bounds. Arguably the world’s most oppressive regime, the CCP has one overarching goal: to promote the interests of the Party, spreading its ideology and control to every corner of the globe.
The United States and its western allies stand in their way.
The CCP is poignantly aware that it is not yet able to destroy the West at a kinetic level of warfare. In a head-to-head confrontation with the U.S. and its allies, China would be overmatched—literally outgunned militarily. However, there are other devastating ways to wage asymmetrical warfare to undermine and weaken the U.S. while simultaneously building the CCP’s military objectives and capacity to wage war in multiple theaters. The Three Warfares The CCP […]
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