Last Updated on December 20, 2022 According to media reports and experts, indirect attacks on American citizens are happening by illicit foreign drug cartels who are pushing chemically designed substances to go from being addictive, as we have seen for decades, to actually being hidden in other medicines, to make them intentionally deadly substances.
Johnny Mitchell of Koncrete interviewed Ed Calderon, a Mexican counter-narcotics investigator, about Mexican Drug cartels, and said “‘Common wisdom, would be that drug dealers wouldn’t kill off their customers because then they wouldn’t have customers”; however, according to Calderon who has ten years investigating these issues, death is the plan and that is what is happening- the Mexican drug cartels, aided by the Chinese are chemically designing the drugs to kill Americans.
In the following interview Calderon points to numerous documented facts that helped him reach that conclusion.
Not only are the drug gangs making street drugs […]
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