It’s not okay for conservatives to do this, but it’s perfectly fine if leftist “churches” endorse candidates and instruct their congregation to vote for them specifically from the pulpit because, well, social justice and stuff. As moderate leftist leg-crossing effeminates are instructing the conservative Evangelical Church to refrain from preaching politics, these same people are silent when it’s churches with the Democrat party as their god who are doing it.
In a recently surfaced video from Woke Preacher TV, Rev. William D. Watley from an Atlanta area AME church preached to his congregation instructing them that they must vote for Stacey Abrams and Raphael Warnock, two of the most extreme pro-abortion candidates in modern history of U.S. politics.
“We as men are not voting as we should for Stacey Abrams. We’re the head of our houses + our families. We cannot lead from behind,” Watley preached. He went on to proclaim […]
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People are really tired of being told what to do. Pastor is not God.
God wants us to think for ourselves and to choose wisely.