There is one major sign the woke are losing the culture war.
Despite progressive domination of entertainment, big tech and the media, the truth about the failure of woke projects can no longer be kept hidden. The backlash of fans overwhelms all efforts at censorship and hype.
The latest classic besmirched by a woke reimagining is “The Little Mermaid,” a live-action Disney rehash of a beloved animated film. The movie isn’t even out yet, but the trailer made news by earning over 1.5 million YouTube dislikes.
Progressives advance their agendas by suppressing dissent . YouTube follows that playbook.The giant video streaming platform only shows how many likes viewers give videos. YouTube no longer publicly displays dislikes on its site. Imagine what the average ratio of a Joe Biden speech would be. TRENDING: Anti-Vaccine Groups Use Carrot Emojis to Bypass Facebook Censorship – Several Groups were Already Deleted by Facebook After Being Exposed […]
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