Less than a month ago, Fox reported that a California school district was teaching kids about their lady and man bits with a “Genderbread Man.” If by some chance you thought things wouldn’t get worse in CA, you were wrong.
According to Fox News , California’s Newport-Mesa school district has ordered textbooks for students that claim that there are over ten sexual orientations and eight gender identities. The book is called “Comprehensive Health Skills for High School” and is geared towards 14-18 year-olds. Fox News released images of the books displaying the absurdity of its contents.
The book listed the following for types of gender identities: agender, androgynous, bigender, cisgender, gender fluid, gender nonconforming, gender questioning, nonbinary and transgender.
Luckily the book also provided the definitions. Agender is apparently similar to gender neutral meaning that a person “does not align with any gender.” Androgynous supposedly means that someone exhibits “masculine and feminine […]
Read the rest of this story here: www.newsbusters.org