Public Domain Whether or not anything of substance emerges from the FBI’s raid on Donald Trump is yet to be known. Unless the former president stole nuclear codes or some other high level threat to U.S. national security, the nation’s top law enforcement making such a dramatic move under a Democratic president against a political opponent,… well, let’s just say that sets a bad precedent. At the VERY least.
Many continue to believe it was a political hit job by a weaponized FBI. If true, it certainly wouldn’t be the first time the FBI targeted someone for political reasons. The agency raiding and surveilling civilians in ways that are in line with the ideology or agenda of the administration they serve under is nothing new .
Just ask one-time suspected radical Mickey Dolenz of the alleged extremist group The Monkees.
Here he is singing the highly suspect, very-dangerous sounding “I’m a Believer.”Most […]
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