Dozens of decomposed bodies were discovered after locals alerted police to a foul smell coming from an Indiana funeral home where some of the deceased had been stacking up for months.
Police in Jeffersonville conducted a morbid search on Friday at Lankford Funeral Home, where they found 31 rotting bodies along with the cremated remains of at least 16 other people.
“Some were in the advanced stages of decomposition,” said Maj. Isaac Parker, the Louisville Courier-Journal reported . #NOW : Dozens of law enforcement officers have gathered at Lankford Funeral Home and Family Center in Jeffersonville including Jeffersonville Fire & Jeffersonville PD “investigating conditions at the business” — Gladys Bautista WLKY � (@GladysMBautista) July 2, 2022 Jeffersonville police say some bodies have been in the funeral home since March and were in the advanced stages of decomposition. The smell from the building was so bad that someone called the police, which […]
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