Source: Jonathan Ernst/Pool Photo via AP
Does The Washington Post have mirrors in their building? I’m just curious because their latest op-ed tries to extricate the publication from the Hunter Biden fiasco, but they’re all part of the same corrupt machine. They’re proud members of the Democrat-media complex. And yet, they have the stones to publish this editorial saying that a “reckoning” is coming to the media over the Hunter Biden story.
To rehash, this circles back to a laptop that belonged to the crack cocaine-addicted son of Joe Biden. It contained all the dirty family secrets that could very well show that this president is compromised by foreign assets, specifically the Chinese. It was dismissed outright as Russian disinformation. It was ignored as a distraction when this story broke in October of 2020. This was the October Surprise, and the media suffocated it with a pillow because it was […]
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