Jada Pinkett Smith, left, and Will Smith appear in the audience at the Oscars. / PHOTO: AP ( Jacob Bruns , Headline USA ) Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla appears to be at it again, this time sponsoring the Oscars as its pending drug for alopecia, an autoimmune disease characterized by hair loss, took center stage, Wayne Dupree reported .
Jada Pinkett Smith, Will Smith ‘s wife, with whom she practices an open ‘marriage,’ claims to suffer from the disease.
It is of note, then, that Pfizer sponsored the event at which the disease won fame.
Pinkett Smith’s suffering took center stage at the Oscars as Will Smith pathetically slapped comedian and host Kevin Hart, who had made a joke about Pinkett Smith’s bald head.With awareness now raised for the disease, Pfizer has decided to swoop in and put out its own pharmaceutical solution to the newfound problem.Currently, there are no FDA approved […]
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I’ve seen real patients with alopecia. Pinkett just looks like she shaves her head. ???
What she really is suffering from is arrogance and a lack of humor.