Editor’s Note: While it doesn’t need to be said that I don’t agree with everything any of our writers post, it’s important to note before this article by Ryan Matters that the accusations made require more independent confirmation than I have time to do myself. It’s fascinating material and, based on how it is written, I have a high degree of confidence that his assertions are accurate even if currently unchecked. It must also be noted that I agree with Matters’ perspectives on Vladimir Putin AND I feel that Volodymyr Zelensky is just as tied to the globalist cabal as Putin, perhaps more so. I don’t see a good guy on either side, and while I sympathize with and support the innocent victims of this war in and out of Ukraine, I do not support American intervention. It’s a regional conflict like so many that have taken place in the world, and any time we get involved in any of them it ends badly for everyone involved. With that said, here’s Ryan’s article…
The recent Russian invasion of Ukraine has garnered a lot of attention from both the mainstream and alternative media. There are plenty of theories floating around about what’s really going on, the true reason behind the invasion and the true motives and allegiances of Russian dictator, Vladimir Putin.
Among this entangled mess of assertions, ill-conceived opinions and downright false assumptions is a certain theory that has gained traction in alt media circles, and that is the idea that Putin is some kind of savior, and that his moves in Ukraine represent an attack against the Western, globalist elite.
When I first saw this claim circulating on the web, the immediate thought that came to my mind is that this must have originated with the QAnon crowd. You see, in the Q-niverse, Vladimir Putin is one of the good guys and he is given the same messiah status as the God-king himself, Donald Trump.
Many of the QAnon “decoders” are still very active online and they are the driving force behind the Russia-went-into-Ukraine-to-save-us-from-the-biolabs theory, itself a curious idea that seemed to have originated on Twitter, and was ardently censored before circulating widely in the alternative media.
Recently, Victoria Nuland, the US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, admitted that Ukraine houses “biological research facilities” and expressed concern that Russia would commandeer them. Um… Okay. Anyone else think this narrative seems eerily similar to the whole Covid lab-leak hypothesis? In both cases, the theories have followed a similar life-cycle:
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- Originated at the beginning of the event but exact origins unclear
- Widely promoted in alternative circles
- Heavily censored on social media and denounced by fact-checkers
- Finally accepted into the mainstream narrative
In my article on the Q phenomenon, I endorsed the idea that Q was actually a military intelligence Psy-op being run from within the Western intelligence establishment. This is an idea I derived from the excellent research of Bernard Grover, Joseph Farrell and Catherine Austin-Fitts.
Although ‘Q’ the entity hasn’t posted anything for over a year, I don’t believe that such a sophisticated operation merely vanished into thin air. In fact, I have a hunch that the powers behind Q learned everything they needed to learn about how information circulates in alternative circles and are now using that data to “poison the well” as it were by subtly introducing bits and pieces of misinformation into the picture in an effort to infiltrate and discredit alternative media. However, that is a subject for another article altogether.
Suffice it to say that many people are pushing the idea that Putin is trying to fight back against the Western globalist elite, thereby implying he is NOT on board with the overarching WEF technocratic control agenda. However, the facts seem to indicate otherwise. Here are ten reasons to question the “Putin vs Davos” narrative.
Russia played along with the Covid-19 nonpandemic just like most other countries in the world. They even developed their own vaccine called “Sputnik V”. The vaccine was created by the Russian Health Ministry’s Gamaleya Center, an institution that describes itself as “the world’s leading research institution”, yet doesn’t even have enough money to install an elevator!
Sputnik V uses an adenovirus vector to transport synthetic genetic material into cells, causing the cell’s machinery to manufacture the viral “spike protein” (so they say). Although different from mRNA technology, vaccines utilizing Adenovirus vectors are arguably still a form of gene therapy (“Ad” vectors have been used as gene delivery vehicles since the introduction of gene therapy).
So yes, Russia’s vaccine is based on the same transhumanist technology that all the other injections use. In fact, according to Gamaleya’s director, Alexander Gintsburg, there are no significant differences between Sputnik V and the adenovirus-based vaccine produced by the Oxford-AstraZeneca bunch.
Furthermore, in December 2020, Russia’s Gamaleya research center signed a “memorandum of cooperation” with AstraZeneca, in the “fight against COVID-19”. Not only did Putin participate in the signing ceremony, he stated that he was
“absolutely convinced that such an attitude towards partnership today can serve as a good, convincing example of combining scientific forces, technologies, investments for a common goal – to protect the life, health and safety of millions of people on the planet as a whole.”
(Let’s not forget the links between the Oxford-AstraZeneca researchers, the Wellcome Trust and the British eugenics society).
Putin himself has openly endorsed both Russia’s vaccine as well as their peculiar “intranasal vaccination” booster. That brings us to the second point…
The developers of Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine have conducted join trials not only with AstraZeneca but with Pfizer and Moderna as well! In October 2021 Kirill Dmitriev, head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), said that he thought the Pfizer and Sputnik injections would be “a very successful combination”. One of Sputnik V’s lead developers also voiced his support for the rollout of foreign vaccines in Russia.
Just recently, this March, Russian pharmaceutical company R-Pharm applied for registration of the AstraZeneca Vaccine in Russia. This comes off the back of a new report published by the RDIF claiming amazing benefits from combining “Sputnik Lite” and the UK-Swedish AstraZeneca shot. For more information on these two points, I highly recommend checking out https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com.
Russia was an early adopter of vaccination passports. By early 2021, residents were able to receive a Covid passport, proving their vaccination status. The passes contain a QR code that can be scanned at various venues and allow residents to receive discounts and other benefits.
Some areas in Russia even mandated the passes for entrance into shopping malls, cinemas and public transport. In the rest of the country, the passes remained voluntary, until, in November 2021, the Moscow Times reported that
“The Russian government said Friday it had submitted to parliament two bills that will introduce mandatory health passes to access restaurants and public transport, amid a new wave of coronavirus cases.”
According to the article, the new legislation was aimed at “boosting Russia’s sluggish immunization rates amid strong anti-vaccination sentiment”. Sounds familiar. The unpopular bills were apparently dropped in January after encountering stiff resistance from the people.
This year the Bank of Russia began piloting their “digital ruble”, its version of a central bank digital currency. The central bank also called for a total ban on cryptocurrencies, stating that the digital ruble would become an alternative to decentralized coins.
Three banks in Russia are already supporting pilot transactions using their existing mobile app banking technology with nine more banks expected to join them soon.
If you’re unfamiliar with “central bank digital currencies”, they are a centralized form of digital, programmable money, issued and controlled by the central banks, allowing for complete surveillance across all transactions, giving the banks the ability to control who can spend what and where.
In other words, the introduction of CBDCs is a key part of the technocratic control grid that the WEF globalists seek to construct and Russia is fully on board with the plan.
Like most countries around the world, Russia instituted a draconian lockdown as a measure to “fight” the Covid-19 “pandemic”. The initial lockdown began in April 2020 and lasted approximately six weeks. Russia’s capital, Moscow, instituted another lockdown in October 2021 and also ordered all unvaccinated citizens over 60 to remain home for four months. Four months!
Granted, Russia’s lockdowns haven’t been as long or as many as certain other countries. However, according to the Covid-19 Stringency Index, Russia’s Covid-19 measures were just as strict as their Western counterparts and sometimes more so. In other words, Russia played along with the phony pandemic narrative.
Last month, Russia and China issued a joint statement on “international relations entering a new era and the global sustainable development”, in which they expressed support for globalization, Agenda 21, vaccines, pandemic control, financing for climate change, the digital economy and more.
Here are some key snippets from the report (emphasis added):
“The ongoing pandemic of the new coronavirus infection poses a serious challenge to the fulfilment of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It is vital to enhance partnership relations for the sake of global development and make sure that the new stage of global development is defined by balance, harmony and inclusiveness…”
“In order to accelerate the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the sides call on the international community to take practical steps in key areas of cooperation such as poverty reduction, food security, vaccines and epidemics control, financing for development, climate change, sustainable development, including green development, industrialization, digital economy, and infrastructure connectivity.”
Russian President, Vladimir Putin has “long-standing, friendly relations” with former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. According to Kremlin Spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, Putin and Kissinger “communicate all the time”, taking the opportunity to “discuss pressing international issues as well as exchange opinions on global perspectives”.
Apparently, Kissinger has been a frequent guest in Russia since Putin took over in 2000. In 2007, Putin appointed Kissinger to co-chair a bilateral “working group” aimed at improving US-Russia relations.
Kissinger and the team that accompanied him to Moscow were all high-level members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), one of the prominent Western “think tanks” leading the charge for a New World Order. Kissinger is also a member of the Bilderberg Group and the Bohemian Club.
Putin has been attending events organized by the WEF since the early 1990s. Just last year, WEF head Klaus Schwab invited Putin to give a special address at the WEF annual meeting (held in digital Davos).
During his address, Putin called for more testing and vaccines as measures to combat the coronavirus, stating that
“It is essential to join and coordinate the efforts of the world in countering the spread of the virus and making the much needed vaccines more accessible. We need to help the countries that need support, including the African nations. I am referring to expanding the scale of testing and vaccinations.”
He then went on to emphasize the role of central banks in rebuilding global economies “affected by the pandemic”, in what was seemingly an endorsement of Schwab’s Great Reset agenda:
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“So, the key question today is how to build a programme of actions in order to not only quickly restore the global and national economies affected by the pandemic, but to ensure that this recovery is sustainable in the long run, relies on a high-quality structure and helps overcome the burden of social imbalances. Clearly, with the above restrictions and macroeconomic policy in mind, economic growth will largely rely on fiscal incentives with state budgets and central banks playing the key role.”
Schwab even claimed that Putin was a member of his “Young Global Leaders” program, graduates of which include Justin Trudeau, Angela Merkel, Tony Blair, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Emmanuel Macron.
However, apart from Schwab having said so, there is no other evidence to support this claim, and Putin would have been too old to join when the program was launched anyway.
So, did Schwab just make a mistake? The man is in his 80s so it’s understandable if he did, or was his slip a sign that the two share a rather close relationship? Putin did begin his WEF address with an intimate “Dear Klaus” after all…
Kit Knightly at OffGuardian recently published an article titled “Ukraine crisis accelerating rise of Central Bank Digital Currencies”, highlighting the fact that governments around the world are developing and trialling CBDCs.
As stated earlier, CBDCs would give the state absolute control by allowing them to track individual transactions, restrict people’s spending and ensure people only purchase goods and services that the state deems to be acceptable. As Knightly rightly points out,
“Western governments are currently declaring financial war on dozens of private citizens who have not been charged – let alone convicted – of any crime, just because of their nationality. It’s being done under the guise of “punishing dirty Russians”, but what can be done to an oligarch can be done to anyone.”
Part of the globalist agenda is the destruction of the current economy, allowing for the introduction of a new economic system (the “Great Reset”), one based on CBDCs, surveillance and run by artificial intelligence.
As I said in a previous post,
“The elites dress it up with buzzwords and catch-phrases like “sustainable development” and “inclusivity”, but at the end of the day, the “great reset” is about the creation of a digital surveillance state run on artificial intelligence where we all transact with “central bank digital currencies” (that can be fully tracked and traced).”
Putin’s war in Ukraine is aiding this goal by helping to further destabilize the world economy and destroy the middle class (exactly what COVID was meant to do). Sky News is reporting that an increase in food prices is “inevitable” due to the rising costs of fertilizer, animal feed and fuel, raising concern for food security in the UK. Likewise, the New York Times reported that “Russia’s war is raising gas prices and roiling financial markets”.
According to the article,
“If the effective closing of Russian financial markets and rising commodity prices lead to a steeper stock market decline, or have other, unexpected consequences, the Fed will be in a tough place. It is moving toward tightening monetary conditions but might have to reverse itself and engage in another rescue operation, as it did in March 2020.”
This comes alongside predictions of a recession in Europe. And there are plenty of other reasons why this war favours the Great Reset agenda.
At this stage, the Russia-Ukraine situation is a minefield of conflicting narratives, disinformation and dodgy reporting.
All we can do is look at the facts and try to piece together a picture of what may be happening… and when we do, it’s rather clear that the “Putin vs Davos” narrative fails to hold up.
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