Pastor Art addressing the crowd outside the Calgary Police Station supporting Bill Whatcott in 2018. VIDEO: MassResistance interviews Pastor Artur Pawlowski This is one of the most insightful political interviews you will hear. During a visit to the U.S. last summer, Pastor Artur Pawlowski (left) described to Arthur Schaper of MassResistance what is happening in Canada — and to him. Since that interview, events have taken an even more sinister turn. He is now in prison in solitary confinement in Canada.
Pastor Artur Pawlowski is not your run-of-the-mill Canadian. He was born and raised in communist Poland and immigrated to Canada as a young man. For many years he has been the pastor of a church in Calgary, Alberta. He is known as an uncompromising Christian who feeds the poor and defends the God-given rights of the Canadian people. He has attracted the ire of the Canadian authorities for his […]
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