It may bear a somewhat uncanny resemblance to the terrifying creation in the Will Smith blockbuster I, Robot. But this machine is actually real and has been billed as the ‘world’s most advanced’ humanoid. Named Ameca, it was created in a British lab and has eerily realistic movements and facial expressions.
Cornwall-based Engineered Arts, which brands itself ‘the UK’s leading designer and manufacturer of humanoid entertainment robots’, unveiled the machine on YouTube with much excitement. Many viewers expressed their amazement at how realistic and human-like the machine is. One user wrote: ‘I know we’re supposed to be scared of AI, but this is the first gynoid that hasn’t creeped me out. It’s pretty cool.’ Another said: ‘It’s the eyes. People take for granted how important eyes are when it comes to something looking alive.
‘The rapid movement, the focus, the blinking, the attention they seem to pay to whatever is grabbing […]
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